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Execution Interval (ms)

Enter the time interval, in milliseconds, with which current MIM values should be checked against the conditions in the decision tables. This configuration will be valid for all decision tables.

Decision Tables

All the decision tables you have configured are listed in this section. Click the Add button to add a new decision table. It may be a good idea to have different decision tables for different purposes.

Even though you can change the order of your decision tables, this does not affect the functionality. All decision tables will be applied.

Creating a Decision Table

When you select to add a new decision table, the Add Decision Tables dialog opens.


Creating a Decision Table

In this dialog you configure your decision table. In a decision table, you determine which action to take depending on which conditions are met. These conditions and actions are configured in separate lists and will then be available for selection in the decision table configuration.


Configure conditions

To configure conditions:


Add Condition



Left Operand

Select a MIM parameter that you want to use for your condition in this section.

Operator list

This is the drop-down list located between the two operands. Select either > (larger than),< (smaller than), == (equals), or != (not equal).

Right Operand

Select what the selected MIM parameter and operator should match; either another MIM parameter or a constant.

  1. In the Add Decision Tables dialog, click the Condition Lists button.

  2. Click the Add button to open the Add Conditions dialog.

  3. Click the Add button to add conditions.

  4. In this dialog, select a MIM value for the left operand.

  5. Select an operator.

  6. Enter a constant, or select a MIM value, for the right operand.

  7. Click Add to add the condition to the condition list.

  8. Repeat steps 4 to 7 until you have added all the conditions you want to have in the condition list and then click Close when you are finished.

    You will return to the Add Conditions dialog.


    Add Conditions




Enter a name for the condition list in the Name field.


Select if you want all the conditions in the list to be matched or if only one condition is required to match by selecting either of the buttons Any of the Following or All of the Following.

ConditionsThis section contains all the different conditions you have added to the list.

  1. Select if you want to match all conditions in the list, or if you want to match one of the conditions in the list.

  2. Give the list a name and click the Add button to add the condition list in the Create Decision Tables dialog.

  3. Repeat steps 3 to 10 until you have created all the condition lists you want to have and then click Close when you are finished.

    You will return to the Create Decision Tables dialog.


Configure actions

To configure actions:

  1. In the Add Decision Tables dialog, click the Action Lists button.

  2. Click the Add button to open the Add Actions dialog.

  3. Click the Add button to add actions.Add Action

    add_action.pngImage Added





In this drop-down list, you select if you want an entry to be logged in the System Log, or if you want an Overload Protection configuration to be configured, or if you want to generate a Supervision Event that can be sent to various targets depending on how you configure your Event Notifications.

The Overload Protection option is only available if you have Diameter or Radius agents in your workflow. 


Enter a description for this action.



This option is only available when you have selected to configure an Overload Protection action and determines the percentage of requests that should be rejected; 0, 25, 50, or 100 %.


This option is only available when you have selected to configure an Overload Protection action and determines if you want to apply this action on all types of requests or if you only want to apply them to the requests following a selected Diameter or Radius overload protection strategy.



This option is only available when you have selected to configure a Supervision Event action and determines the content of the event.



2) for more information.SeverityThis option is only available when you have selected to configure a System Log action and determines the severity of the log entry; Information, Warning, Error, or Disaster.MessageThis option is only available when you have selected to configure a System Log action and allows you to enter a message that will be visible in the System Log.

In this dialog, select which type of action you want to use; System LogOverload Protection, or Supervision Event. Depending on what you choose, the options in the dialog differ.



  1. If you have selected an Overload Protection action:

    • Enter a description in the Description field.

    • Select the percentage of messages you want to reject; 0, 25, 50, or 100 % in the Reject drop-down list.

    • In the Strategy drop-down list, you select if you want the action to be applied for all requests, or only for requests following any of the Diameter overload protection strategies.


  1. If you have selected a Supervision Event action:

    • Enter a description in the Description field.

    • Enter the event content in the Content field. This content can then be used when configuring Event Notifications for this event.


  1. If you have selected a System Log action:

    • Enter a description in the Description field.

    • Select severity in the Severity drop-down list.

    • Enter an optional message in the Message field.


  1. Click Add to add the action to the action list.


  1. Repeat steps 4 to 8 until you have added all the actions you want to have in the action list and then click Close when you are finished.
    You will return to the Add Actions dialog.






Enter a name for the action list in the Name field.


This section contains all the actions you have added to this list.

  1. Give the list a name and click the Add button to add the action list in the Create Decision Tables dialog.



  2. Repeat steps 3 to 10 until you have created all the action lists you want to have and then click Close when you are finished.

    You will return to the Create Decision Tables dialog.


Configuring a Decision Table

In the Decision Table tab you will now have two columns; Conditions and Actions.


Creating a Decision Table

The Conditions column contains all the condition lists you have created, and in the Actions column, you can set a condition to either True (true), False (false), or - (Ignore), and then select which action you want to trigger when the settings in the decision table match.

Depending on how many conditions you have configured, there may be many different combinations that you may want to configure different actions for. To add another column, right-click the Action column heading and select the option Add Column.... A new column will then be added. This can be repeated for all the different combinations you want to have.

Only one action can be selected for each set of combinations.

Example - Decision Table

Decision table example


The following actions will be taken during the following conditions:


Case 3 
If the Incoming messages exceed 150, 100 % of the incoming Diameter Credit-Control Initial requests will be rejected.


mzcli Commands

If you need to manually trigger or clear the supervision service with action overload, e g for maintenance or other purposes, you can use the mzsh wfcommand. See the the wfcommand (4.12) for more information.