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Default value: true

This property specifies if the Web Interface for ECs should be active.

Default value: Taken from the value of the common property .

This property specifies the host used to communicate with an EC Web Interface. Set it to to bind all addresses on the currently used host. This is done to access the Web Interface by both virtual and logical IP addresses or hostnames.


Default value: 9090

This property specifies the TCP port of the EC Web Interface.

Each EC that is located in the same container must have a unique port.


Default value: "*"

This property allows you to use RESTful Web Services across different origins. The possible value is a comma-separated list of the hosts:ports that are permitted to use the RESTful Web Services, e.g.,

Couchbase Properties



Default value: 60

If you have enabled the log-to-file functionality in the Advanced tab of the Couchbase profile, you can determine how often in seconds you want to flush this file by modifying the value.


Proxy Properties




The proxy host that routes HTTP traffic


The proxy port for routing HTTP traffic. Default value: 80


The username, if Basic Authentication is required for proxy handling HTTP traffic


The password, if Basic authentication is required for proxy handling HTTP traffic. The password can be plain-text or encrypted using the mzsh encryptpassword <password> command.


The proxy host that routes HTTPS traffic


The proxy port for routing HTTPS traffic. Default value: 443


The username, if Basic Authentication is required for proxy handling HTTPS traffic


The password, if Basic authentication is required for proxy handling HTTPS traffic. The password can be plain-text or encrypted using the mzsh encryptpassword <password> command.


Indicates the hosts that should be accessed without going through the proxy. Typically, this defines internal hosts. The value of this property is a list of hosts, separated by the '|' character. Additionally, the wildcard character '*' can be used for pattern matching.

For example, http.nonProxyHosts="*|localhost" will indicate that every host in the domain and the localhost should be accessed directly even when a proxy server is already specified.





Default value: $MZ_HOME/tmp

This property is applicable for ECs and determines whether you want events and error messages occurring when the contact is lost to be logged in a backlog or not. If the property is not present, events and messages will not be logged. The value of this property specifies where the backlog resides.


Default value: "dd/MM/yyyy"

This property will define the format of the date to be decoded for the ExcelCellUDR. For the date to be parsed successfully, you will have to provide the format of the date received by the ExcelCellUDR. The values in this property conforms to the standards of the SimpleDateFormat java class. If the date is not parsed successfully, the data type of the date field will be treated as a string.


Default value: 60000

This property specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) the EC will wait before a real-time workflow stops after a shutdown has been initiated. This is to enable the workflow to stop all input and drain all UDRs in the workflow before shutting down.

The wait time is initially set to 60 seconds. If this value is set to 0 all draining is ignored and the workflow will stop immediately.


Default value: ""

This property specifies the bootstrap classes that are required by some components.

Default value: true

This property determines the behavior of the mzsh command shutdown. When you have set the value of this property to false and run the command, it will cause ECs to shut down without forcing the workflows to stop first.


Default value: ""

This property specifies the port that is used for EC to EC communication. If no port is set, a dynamic port will be used and the port number will change each time an EC is restarted. 


Default value: true

The date syntax used in the APL functions dateToString and strToDate conforms to the Java class SimpleDateFormat in Java 6.

Even though the syntax conforms to SimpleDateFormat, it is not directly based on this class.

You can enable date format handling based on the SimpleDateFormat class in the installed Java version by setting this property to false. This enables use of additional patterns that are available in the installed Java version. For more information about the functions dateToString and strToDate, see the APL Reference Guide.

Default value: false

Setting this property to true will instruct the system to use the attached time zone when SQL input originates from a date object.

In most cases, the property should be set in the pico configuration of ECs. However, in case of audit processing, the property should also be set in the pico configuration of the Platform.

Note that if the property is used for setting dates with another time zone, there will be no way of keeping track of the actual time zone in the database, and you may have to manually convert the date during selection. To keep track of the time zone in an Oracle database, use the data type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.


Default value: ""

This property specifies the type of pico instance used for the EC. The possible values are EC and SC.