- Go to the Oracle JDBC driver download page:
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/jdbc/index-091264.html. - Download the JDBC driver (
) for Oracle database version 12.1. This driver also works with Oracle database version 11.2. - Store the JDBC driver in a directory that is available on the Platform Container host.
Run the following command to install Oracle drivers and to configure the Oracle connection parameters:
Code Block language text theme Eclipse $ ./setup.sh configure_oracle
Note title Note! The above command will ask for the user to input to the Oracle driver directory. It can also be passed as an argument by running the command as follows:
./setup.sh -Dmz.3pp.dir=/oracle/jdbc/driver/dir configure_oracle
If you are using Oracle 12, it is recommended that you set the property jvmargs.args
to -Djava.security.egd=file:///dev/urandom
for all pico Pico instances that are expected to open connections towards Oracle. This is because the jdbc JDBC driver has changes which that have better performance using /dev/urandom
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