Kubernetes Add-ons
The following general Kubernetes add-ons should be added:
ExternalDNS is a Kubernetes add-on that configures public DNS servers with information about exposed Kubernetes services to make them discoverable.
Create a file called
and populate it with the following helm values:Code Block gcp: zoneType: public domainFilters: - <gke_domain_dns_name from terraform output> policy: sync provider: google txtOwnerId: <gke_domain_zone_name from terraform output> serviceAccount: annotations: iam.gke.io/gcp-service-account: <external_dns_service_account from terraform output>
Install the ExternalDNS helm chart:
Code Block helm install external-dns bitnami/external-dns -n <namespace>uepe \ --version <helm chart version> -f external-dns-values.yaml
<helm chart version>
is a compatible version listed in the Compatibility Matrix.
Ingress NGINX Controller
Info |
This is an optional add-on. Refer to the Introduction - GCP (4.1) chapter for additional information. |
The Ingress NGINX Controller is an ingress controller for Kubernetes using NGINX as a reverse proxy and load balancer.
Install the
helm chart:Code Block helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version <helm chart version> -f ingress-nginx-values.yaml -n <namespace>uepe
<helm chart version>
is a compatible version listed in the Compatibility Matrix.
Info |
If you are running multiple installations on the cluster, in case the Nginx IngressClass resource is already installed, then you should set the following helm value to avoid hitting a resource already exists error:
This section is now complete. Now proceed to the Usage Engine Private Edition Preparations - GCP section.