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This function Function is designed to validate data by processing the received data according to the designated rules and conventions in UDPUsage Engine Cloud Edition. Regarding the JSON file types and objects, they are to be checked according to the official JSON Schema Validation definitions, approved by the IETF Trust. Each JSON schema object is to be independently examined by the built-in engine for validity.


For the purpose of maintaining interoperability and according to the official JSON Schema regulations, several considerations are accounted for during validation. All of the listed conditions are implemented by following the official regulations. No exceptions or special cases are made unless they are explicitly specified in the official UDP Usage Engine Cloud Edition documentation.

A list of the prescribed considerations is the following:


  • maxLength – The entered value must be a non-negative integer. Validation is performed when the string instance is equal to a length that is less than, or equal to the designated keyword value.
  • minLength – The entered value must be a non-negative integer. Validation is performed when the string instance is greater than, or equal to the designated keyword value. When this keyword is omitted, the UDP Usage Engine Cloud Edition service will treat it as being a value with “0” length.
  • pattern – The entered value must be a valid string expression. Validation is performed if the expression matches the defined instance.


  • maxItems – The entered value must be a non-negative integer. Validation is performed when the array size is less than, or equal to the value of the input keyword.
  • minItems – The entered value must be a non-negative integer. Validation is performed when the array size is greater than, or equal to the value of the input keyword. When this keyword is omitted, the UDP Usage Engine Cloud Edition service will treat it as being a value with “0” length.
  • uniqueItems – The entered value must be a Boolean. Validation will be done if the value is “false”. “True” validation is done only when all of the array instances are unique. When this keyword is omitted, the UDP Usage Engine Cloud Edition service will treat it as having a value of “false”.
  • maxCointains – The entered value must be a non-integer. The keyword will have no effect if the “contains” values are not present within the same schema object. Validation is performed, depending on the annotation results of the adjacent “contains” keyword in two ways. Validation will pass if the annotation results is an array with a length that is less or equal to the “maxContains” value. The other validation option is by having the annotation result as a “true” boolean value with an array instance with a length that is less or equal to the “maxContains” value.
  • minContains – The entered value must be a non-negative integer. The keyword will have no effect if the “contains” values are not present within the same schema object. Validation is performed, depending on the annotation results of the adjacent “contains” keyword in two ways. Validation will pass if the annotation result is an array with a length that is greater or equal to the “minContains” value. The other validation option is by having the annotation result as a “true” Boolean value with an array instance that is greater or equal to the “minContains” value. When this keyword is omitted, the UDP Usage Engine Cloud Edition service will treat is having the same behavior as a value of “1”. Validation allows a value of “0”, but that is only useful for setting up a range a of occurrences from “0” going up to the value of “maxContains”.
