This page will cover a few examples for patches that can be applied by users to their EC Deployment.
Changing Rollout Strategy
By default, the EC Deployment rollout strategy is set to RollingUpdate type. If for some reason you would like to change the rollout strategy for an EC Deployment, you can use EC Deployment's patch to change the rollout strategy. So the example will have us changing from the RollingUpdate to the Recreate type.
An ECD Patch is meant to provide a flexible option to define and provision Kubernetes objects that suit your system architecture, or to tailor the ECD to their preferred flavor.
An ECD Patch is NOT the same as using the kubectl patch
command. Although they are conceptually similar, they do not necessarily behave in the same way.
The ECD patch functionality enables you to add, change, and remove certain fields and functionality that might not be supported directly in the ECD specification, from the different Kubernetes objects created by the Operator through the ECD specification. The patch
and patchType
fields are part of the ECD CRD structure.
The operator expects the ECD patch to be in YAML format with respective parameters according to the patching strategy. The operator will attempt to patch the user-defined YAML with the original YAML, resulting in one YAML before applying it to the Kubernetes cluster.
The ECD patch functionality can be used either from Desktop Online or directly in the ECD specification YAML.
Note that parameters defined by Usage Engine in the ECD specification (Workflows, Workflow Groups) cannot be patched with the ECD Patch functionality. You can however, of course, edit these parameters directly in the ECD specification and apply the changes to the cluster.
Patch Format
The Patch format consists of 2 fields; patch
and patchType
, embedded under different Kubernetes objects. The patch
field is the payload itself, which will be used to patch into the ECD Kubernetes objects. patchType
is the field where users can define the patching strategies used to patch the payload.
Currently, the following objects can be patched through ECD:
ECD (Deployments and Pods)
Below is an example of the structure under ECD (spec.patch
and spec.patchType
) :
Code Block |
apiVersion: mz.digitalroute.com/v1alpha1
kind: ECDeployment
name: anyECDeployment
namespace: anyNamespace
patchType: "application/merge-patch+json"
patch: |
... |
Below is an example of the structure under HPA (spec.autoscale.patch
and spec.autoscale.patchType
Code Block |
apiVersion: mz.digitalroute.com/v1alpha1
kind: ECDeployment
patchType: "application/merge-patch+json"
patch: |
... |
There is a pipe “|” right after Patch, to indicate that the lines below are multi-lines YAML
In Desktop Online you can find the corresponding patch for ECD (deployment and pods), Services, HPA/autoscaling, and Ingress (Ingress also being under networking) under their respective ECD sections:
Patching Strategies
There are 3 types of strategies supported by the ECD Patch feature:
JSON Patch (RFC6902)
Merge Patch (RFC7386)
Strategic Merge Patch (Kubernetes custom implementation of Merge Patch)
JSON Patch
As defined in RFC6902, a JSON Patch is a sequence of operations that are executed on the resource, e.g. {"op": "add", "path": "/a/b/c", "value": [ "foo", "bar" ]}
. For more details on how to use the JSON Patch, see the RFC.
The example below shows how you annotate an Ingress resource so that it can be managed by Istio:
Code Block |
apiVersion: mz.digitalroute.com/v1alpha1
kind: ECDeployment
patchType: "application/json-patch+json"
patch: |
- op: replace
path: /metadata/annotations/Kubernetes.io~1ingress.class
value: istio |
Changing an item in a list
In order to change an item in a list you can do this conveniently with JSON Patch. In the example below we change the service port from 1234 to 1235. The zero in the path (/spec/ports/0/port) specifies that the first item in the list should be changed.
Merge Patch
As defined in RFC7386, a Merge Patch is a partial representation of the resource. The submitted JSON is "merged" with the current resource to create a new one, then the new one is saved. For more details on how to use Merge Patch, see the RFC.
The example below shows how you add a node selector to restrict this deployment (pod) to only run on nodes with a label where the disk type is SSD:
Code Block |
apiVersion: mz.digitalroute.com/v1alpha1
kind: ECDeployment
patchType: "application/merge-patch+json"
patch: |
disktype: ssd |
Strategic Merge Patch
Strategic Merge Patch is a custom implementation of Merge Patch for Kubernetes. For a detailed explanation of how it works and why it had to be introduced, see API Conventions on Patch - Strategic Merge. In general, Strategic Merge Patch works better when merging Kubernetes objects in a list.
In this ECD Services, port 9092 is already defined. Using Strategic Merge Patch, you can add two more ports 9093 and 9094. If you were to change the type from a Strategic Merge Patch to a Merge Patch in this case, port 9092 would have been removed after the patch.
Code Block |
- spec:
type: ClusterIP
- port: 9092
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 9092
patchType: "application/strategic-merge-patch+json"
patch: |
- name: "port-1"
port: 9093
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 9093
- name: "port-2"
port: 9094
protocol: UDP
targetPort: 9094
... |
Here is an example changing multiple (sub-)paths in the same deployment/pod patch (also using Strategic Merge Patch):
Code Block |
patchType: "application/strategic-merge-patch+json"
patch: |
- ip:
- "client"
- "client-simulator"
- ip:
- "proxy"
- "proxy2"
- name: ec1
memory: 1536Mi
memory: 1024Mi |
Below are samples that can help you get started with an ECD patch. The “Before” section is based on the ECD, which is the definition file for the desired state. while the “After” section is based on the conversion and logic processing done by Operator - which is the actual objects provisioning yaml to be applied to the cluster. As you can see, there are several objects that will be provisioned and handled by the Operator itself.
Changing Rollout Strategy
Creating an ECD will result in the creation of different Kubernetes objects, where one of them is a Deployment object. The rollout strategy defaults to RollingUpdate, but through an ECD patch we can change it to another strategy such as Recreate. The change can be seen on the spec.strategy.typein the Deployment object After ECD Patch.
Before ECD Patch | After ECD Patch | ||||
Setting Toleration
In the example below, with a 3 node implementation of a Kubernetes cluster, 2 nodes are tainted color=blue and 1 node is tainted color=red. The test is to add toleration to ECD so that it will get deployed into node tainted with color=red.
Code Block |
kubectl taint nodes kl-kube-node01.digitalroute.com kl-kube-node02.digitalroute.com color=blue:NoSchedule
node/kl-kube-node01.digitalroute.com tainted
node/kl-kube-node02.digitalroute.com tainted
kubectl taint nodes kl-kube-node03.digitalroute.com color=red:NoSchedule
node/kl-kube-node03.digitalroute.com tainted |
Observe how toleration is being added and gets scheduled to the node tainted with color=red.
Before ECD Patch | After ECD Patch | ||||||
Setting Environment Variable
You can also add in an environmental variable. In the example below, the environmental variable ENV is added with the value “dev”.
Before ECD Patch | After ECD Patch | ||||||
Removing an Object
You can also use this functionality to remove a provisioned Kubernetes object. In the example below, the directive marker ($patch: delete) is used to remove a volume and volumeMount.
Before ECD Patch | After ECD Patch | ||||