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Ui tabs

Ui tab
title1. Preparations

Download and extract the sample data file (.zip).

Create an S3 bucket in Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Make a note of the bucket name, access key id, and secret access key.

For further information about creating and accessing S3 buckets, see the Amazon Web Services (AWS) documentation.

Create folders named in and out in the S3 bucketUpload the extracted files (.csv) to the in folder. 

Ui tab
title2. Create a Stream


Create or open an existing solution.

When you open your solution, click Create Stream.

Give your stream a name and click Create.

You are then taken to the Stream Editor where you can begin to build your stream.

To start adding functions to your stream, go to step 3.

Ui tab
title3. Add Amazon S3 Collector

From the functions library on the left, in the Collectors list, drag and drop the AWS S3 function onto the canvas.

The shown Amazon collector in the canvas will be placed with a red circle icon on it. This means that it requires configuration to run properly.

Double-click the function to open and configure it.

  1. Enter your Access Key and Secret Key.

  2. In Bucket, enter the name of the S3 bucket that you want to collect data from. In Folder, enter the folder path for the file that you want to collect. If the path to the folder is not specified, the root folder of the S3 bucket is selected by default.

  3. Select Specific file and enter the full name of the file (with extension) to be collected. Select the Use Regex check box if the file name is in the regular expression format (regex format) and specify the File name pattern. Select the desired file format. Since the CSV file contains headers, select Include table header. The default delimiter is (,).

  4. In After Collection, select Do nothing.

To see a preview of the data to be collected, click Preview. A preview of your data is displayed to the left.

To add a Route function, go to step 4.

Ui tab
title4. Add a Route Function

Configure this function to organize the input fields to a format expected by the Data Aggregator function, which serves the payload data.

From the functions library on the left, in the Processors list, drag and drop the Route function onto the canvas. Once placed link it to the Amazon S3 collector.

Double-click the function to open and configure it. 

To setup the appropriate Route function conditions a preliminary setup must be made as follows:

  1. Click on the edit icon to rename "Condition #1" to "Complete"
  2. From the dropdown menu of the Compare with selection choose "type" to enable processing for the given data
  3. Set the Expression option to "Equal to" and Value to "Complete"
  4. Set Handling of unmatched records to "Create new output"

Add a Log function to output the default data (which is not used further in this tutorial). Click on the title of the Log function and rename it to "Start and Partial Data".

You can press on Preview to see the data flow. 

To add the Data Aggregator function, go to step 5.

Ui tab
title5. Add the Data Aggregator Function

Configure the Data Aggregator function to collect records on the charged kWh energy amount for the given date. Using the options specify the charging place information, so that the output table will also list where the charging has taken place. 

Add a Data Aggregator function and connect it to the Router output previously named "Complete".

Configure the following options to set the required output settings.

Flush settings:

Click Preview to display the Data Aggregator output.

To add an Amazon S3 forwarder, go to step 6.

Ui tab
title6. Add an Amazon S3 Forwarder

The Amazon S3 forwarder function stores the output from the Aggregate function in an S3 bucket.

Add an Amazon S3 Forwarder function and link it to the Data Aggregator function.

Double-click the function to open and configure it.

Enter your Access key and Secret key.

Enter the name of the bucket and the folder where you want to store the file(s). 

Select Collector filename if you want to keep the same filename as your input file(s), or select Custom filename to provide a new filename for the output file(s).

By default, the Append timestamp checkbox is selected. If you clear the checkbox then the existing file at the destination can be overwritten by output file.

For more information, see .

To run your stream, go to step 7.

Ui tab
title7. Run your Stream

To run your stream, click Start.

Alternatively, you can run your stream from the Streams list. Select your stream and click Start.

The Status indicates when the stream has run to completion.

To see the logs, after your stream has run to completion, click View Log.

Download the result from the out folder in the AWS S3 bucket.

After importing the result to Excel, the example file may look as follows:

You have now successfully collected data from an S3 bucket, which you've aggregated and stored in your S3 bucket!

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