Agent Name | Description |
Scalable Inter WF Collection Agent | This is a newly created agent specifically for batch scaling workflows. It functions similarly and has the same configuration as the standard Inter Workflow Collection Agent. |
Scalable Inter WF Forwarding Agent | This is a newly created agent specifically for batch scaling workflows. It functions similarly and has the same configuration as the standard Inter Workflow Forwarding Agent. |
Aggregation Agent | A new Kafka storage option has been added to the existing Aggregation Agent. When setting up your batch scaling solution, you must add this storage option to the agent configuration, see ‘Storage Tab’ in https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/x/chwcEg. |
Duplicate UDR Agent | A new Kafka storage option has been added to the existing Duplicate UDR Agent. When setting up your batch scaling solution, you must add this storage option in the agent configuration. See 'Storage tab' in https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/x/yYkkEg. |