This section does not explain how Diameter works in general, but just describes the special handling needed required to run Diameter workflows inside a Kubernetes cluster.
Since Diameter uses host and domain (Destination-Host and Destination-Realm) for communication, the hostnames need to must be setup defined in the cluster and connected to the pods running in which the workflows in question. This is done run. You do this by using hostAliases and ClusterIP (which also binds the ports used to the different hostnames/ips).This chapter describes the following scenarios:
Scenario 1:
Both the Server and Client pods are
in the same Kubernetes cluster
In the
illustration below, the server pod connects using port 3868, and the client pod connects using port 3869.
See Diameter Server and Client Inside Same Kubernetes Cluster(4.3) for more information.
Scenario 2:
One pod is outside of the Kubernetes cluster
In the
illustration below, the server pod connects using port 3868 and the client connects using port 3869
. However, since the client is outside of the cluster
the nodeport 31868 is also used. See Diameter Server and Client Inside Same Kubernetes Cluster(4.3) for more information.
See RFC-6733
for information about the Diameter protocol.