Versions Compared


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For UDRs with ID Fields matching an existing session, an additional expression may be used to specify additional matching criteria. For example, if dynamic IP addresses are provided to customers based on time intervals, the field that contains the IP address could be used in ID Fields while the actual time could be compared in Additional Expression.


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UDR Types

Click the Add button to select a UDR type in the UDR Internal Format dialog. The UDR type that you select then appears in this field. A UDR type may have a list of rules attached to it. When you select the UDR type, its rules appear as separate tabs to the right in the Aggregation profile configuration.

Primary Expression

The Primary Expression is optional. You can enter an APL code expression that is to be evaluated before the ID Fields are evaluated. If the evaluation result is false the rule is ignored and the evaluation continues with the next rule.

Use the inputvariable to write this filtering expression.

ID Fields

Click the Add button to select additional ID Fields in the ID Fields dialog. These fields, along with the Additional Expression settings, enable Usage Engine to determine whether a UDR belongs to an existing session or not. If the contents of the selected fields match the contents of a session and an  Additional Expression  evaluation results in true, the UDR belongs to the session.



Ensure that the selected fields are of the same type and appear in the same order for all the rules that are defined for the agent.

Additional Expression

The Additional Expression is optional. Enter an APL code expression that is to be evaluated with the ID Fields.

Use the inputvariable to write this filtering expression.

This setting is useful when you have several UDR types with a varying number of ID Fields to be consolidated. Having several UDR types requires the ID fields to be equal in number and type. If one of the types requires additional fields that do not have any counterpart in the other type or types, these must be evaluated in the Additional Expression field. Save the field contents as a session variable, and compare the new UDRs with it.



When using Additional Expressions for Aggregation the caching mechanism only takes into account the primary and secondary rules when creating the session CRC. This means that if the number of sessions that cannot be told apart without the use of an Additional Expression is high, the performance of the Aggregation Agent decreases due to cache read/write operations. This is especially true if the Max Cached Sessions property is low compared to the number of sessions. For this reason, it is recommended that Max Cached Sessions is set to a high value when using Additional Expressions.

Create Session on Failure

Select this check box to create a new session if no matching session is found. If the check box is not selected, a new session is not created when no matching session is found.



If you provide a primary expression, and it evaluates to false, the rule is ignored and no new session is created.

If the order of the input UDRs is unimportant, select this check box for all the rules. This means that the session object is created regardless of the order in which the UDRs arrive.

However, if the UDRs are expected to arrive in a particular sequence, only select Create Session on Failure for the UDR type/field that is considered to be the master UDR, i.e. the UDR that marks the beginning of the sequence. In this case, all the slave UDR types/fields are targeted for error handling if they arrive before their master UDR.



At least one of all defined rules must have this check box selected. Otherwise, no session is created.

For further information about all available system properties, see System Properties (4.3).

Add Rule

Click this button to add a new rule for the selected UDR type. The rule appears as a new folder to the right of the UDR types in the Aggregation profile configuration.

Usually, only one rule is required. However, in a situation where a session is based on an IP number, stored in either a target or source IP field, two rules are required. The source IP field can be listed in the ID Fields of the first rule and the target IP field listed in the ID Fields of the second rule.

Remove Rule

Click this button to remove the selected rule.





Select a Couchbase (4.3) profile. This profile is used to access the primary storage for aggregation sessions.

Mirror Profile

Selecting this Couchbase profile is optional. It is used to access a secondary storage, providing read-only access for aggregation sessions. Typically, the Mirror Profile is identically configured to a (primary) Profile, that is used by workflows on a different EC or other Usage Engine system. This is useful to minimize data loss in various failover scenarios. The read-only sessions can be retrieved with APL commands. For more information and examples, see Aggregation Functions(4.3).

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Elasticsearch Storage


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Select an Elasticsearch (4.3) profile. This profile is used to access the storage for aggregation sessions.


When you have selected Memory Only as storage, there are no additional settings in the Storage tab.

Redis Storage


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Select a Redis (4.3) profile. This profile is used to access the storage for aggregation sessions.

SQL Storage


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Select a Database Profile(4.3) configured with the SQL database type. This profile is used to access the storage for aggregation sessions.



Currently, the SQL storage only supports PostgreSQL and SAP HANA databases.

Storage-sharing functionality is currently not supported.

Index Fields

Click the Add button to select the UDR type.

Table SQL Script

This text box will generate the SQL statements for the selected UDRs' table schema and indexes for Id, TxId. The schema will be generated based on the number of UDRs in the UDR Type Mapping table.



Users will have to copy the SQL script generated in the text box to create the PostgreSQL and SAP HANA tables on their own in the database listed in the Database profile. The Aggregation profile will not automatically create the tables for you.



The following table columns are mandatory when creating the database:

Column NameData Type










