Update the authentication in all streams with your new secret. Ensure that the audience and access token URL of the OAuth2 OAuth 2.0 authentication is configured to match your Environments API base URL.
Run stream 1. Provisioning Meter Types. When the stream has completed you will have a new meter type named "AI Assist" in the Usage metering view.
Step 6
Navigate to "Usage metering" and copy the ID of the "AI Assist" meter type for later.
Also, open the Open the stream configuration of Botbot AI assist and copy the meter key from the Meter processor for later.
Open the stream configuration of 2. Provisioning Meters and open the script named "Prepare Meters". Paste in the meter type ids and meter key that you got from the previous step.
If you want to delete your meters. Navigate to the stream configuration of 3. Purge Meters. Paste the meter type ids and meter key into the script "Prepare Filter". Run the stream. Now all meters related to Botbot AI assist have been deleted.