Versions Compared


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Where to get the value from?


In the OCI management console, this is listed on Profile | Tenancy: <tenant-name> | Tenancy Details.


Fingerprint only available after user created the API keys. Refer to private_key_path row in the same table.

In the OCI management console, this is listed on Profile | My Profile | Resources | API keys after API keys being created.


In the OCI management console, this is listed on Profile | My Profile


The full path to your private key file’s filename.

To create and download your private key, go to Profile | My Profile | Resources | API keys, create your API key and click download


The region in which you will install your cluster. (for example "eu-frankfurt-1")


A name for your cluster. Cluster names must start with a lowercase letter followed by up to 39 lowercase letters, numbers or hyphens. They can't end with a hyphen. The cluster name must be unique in the project.


Your existing domain name. In the OCI management console, this is the DNS name that is listed on page Networking |DNS management | Zones.


version for kubernetes in alpha numeric string (for example “v1.29.1").


Number of cluster nodes in numeric (for example “3”).


Availability domain name for the cluster. (for example "Vafx:EU-FRANKFURT-1-AD-1")


Choose a secure password for the system database administrator.

Minimum 10 characters.


Database version in numeric string (for example “14“)


OCID of the image to be used for worker node instance creation.

To find out available image under your compartment, use command oci ce node-pool-options get --node-pool-option-id all --compartment-id <your compartment ocid> .


Boolean flag to enable file storage resource creation. It is false by default. Set to true if persistent file storage is needed.


Code Block
#  ____  _____ _____   _____ _   _ _____ ____  _____
# / ___|| ____|_   _| |_   _| | | | ____/ ___|| ____|_
# \___ \|  _|   | |     | | | |_| |  _| \___ \|  _| (_)
#  ___) | |___  | |     | | |  _  | |___ ___) | |___ _
# |____/|_____| |_|     |_| |_| |_|_____|____/|_____(_)

# The below values must be set explicitly in order for the setup to work correctly.

tenancy_ocid     = "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaamnl7f7t2yrlas2si7b5hpo6t23dqi6mjo3eot6ijl2nqcog5h6ha"
fingerprint      = "7d:67:b3:9d:a3:8f:6d:37:f3:e9:7d:e5:45:ec:df:56"
user_ocid        = "ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaauhk3uhiryg7sw2xjmvf45zasduqwr2cium53gmdxwipe4iqdrfuq"
private_key_path = "/Users/kamheng.choy/Downloads/kamheng.choy@digitalroute.com_2024-04-07T10_07_56.490Z.pem"

# Deployment compartment
compartment_ocid = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaa56wmblidgvvicamsqkf7sqcqu5yxdhvu3wlvomzgonhflcrv6kcq"

# region
region = "eu-frankfurt-1"

# Name of the cluster, it must be unique in the project.
cluster_name = "test-uepe-cluster-1"

# Domain DNS name
# We'll create a subdomain zone from parent domain, the final domain will be in format "<cluster_name>.<domain>".
# Please note that if this domain is hosted on another OCI project or other cloud provider, then you must
# set auto_create_ns_record = false and manually add the subdomain NS record to the parent domain.
# auto_create_ns_record = false
domain = ""

# Admin user password to the database
db_password = "Password123$"

#  _______        _______    _    _  __    _    ____  _     _____
# |_   _\ \      / / ____|  / \  | |/ /   / \  | __ )| |   | ____|_
#   | |  \ \ /\ / /|  _|   / _ \ | ' /   / _ \ |  _ \| |   |  _| (_)
#   | |   \ V  V / | |___ / ___ \| . \  / ___ \| |_) | |___| |___ _
#   |_|    \_/\_/  |_____/_/   \_\_|\_\/_/   \_\____/|_____|_____(_)

# The below sections are the default values, tweak them to your needs.

# Kubernetes version
kubernetes_version = "v1.29.1"

# Number of nodes per cluster
oke_num_nodes = 3
# Worker node machine type
node_pool_shape = "VM.Standard.E4.Flex"
oke_availability_domain = "Vafx:EU-FRANKFURT-1-AD-1"

oke_image_id = ""

# IP CIDR range allocate to the control plane
vcn_cidr_blocks = ""

# Network file system (NFS) persistent storage
fss_enabled = true
filestore_availability_domain = "Vafx:EU-FRANKFURT-1-AD-1"

# Cloud SQL database
db_enabled = true
# DB instance type
db_instance_shape = "PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4.64GB"
# DB version
db_version = "14"
