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Apart from the built-in data models for PCC, you can also create your own data models using the the Development Toolkit(34.10).

The data models are defined in XML format and then packed up in an *.mzp file that is committed into the system using Command Line Interface (34.10) . They will then be available in the regular web interface Desktop Online for provisioning.

To create a PCC Extension data model:

  1. In your DevKit directory, go to the /devkit-<version>/pcc_generation_tools/example/model/ folder.
    Here you will find four example XML files that you can use as a starting point if you do not want to start creating your model from scratch.

  2. Create your data model(s).

  3. Create a *.jar file of your data model(s) by running the following command:

    Code Block
    java -jar mzcli.jar <user name>/<password> --host <platform host> --port <platform port> generate_pcc_classes build/pcf.jar model -resource resource



If you have configured a properties file for mzcli as described


in mzcli Usage and Options(






you can


omit <user name>/<password> --host <platform host> --port <platform port> and you will be prompted for the password.

You should now have a *.jar file created in a new directory called build on the same level as the model folder stated in step 1.

  1. Go to the devkit-<version> directory and create an *.mzp file of your *.jar file by running the following command:

    Code Block
    java -jar lib/devkit.jar pcreate "<package name>" 1.0 pcc_generation_tools/example/build/<package_name_1.0>.mzp -level platform file=pcc_generation_tools/example/build/<package_name>.jar

    You should now have an *.mzp file created in the same build folder as in the previous step.

  2. Copy the *.mzp file to the platform pod by running the following command:

    Code Block
    kubectl cp <package_name_1.0>.mzp platform-0:/opt/mz -n <namespace>
  3. Log into the platform pod by running the following command:

    Code Block
    kubectl exec -n <namespace> -it platform-0 -- bash
  4. Commit the package into your system by running the following command:

    Code Block
    mzsh <user name>/<password> pcommit <package_name_1.0>.mzp
  5. Restart the ui pod by running the following command:

    Code Block
    kubectl rollout restart deployment/ui

    The new data model(s) should now be visible when you click on PCC Extensions in the Manage view in Desktop.

There is an example of a 5G PCF Rules model included in the Development Toolkit(34.10).

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