Notification UDRs


This UDR inherits all the fields from PropertyUDR and is used in the NotificationAlertAmountNotificationExpirationAlert, and NotificationUserAlert notifications types.


A notification describes an event, exceptional or not, that takes place in the instances.  It provides information on where, when and what happened.

This UDR is included in: 

  • CheckLimitResultUDR
  • PurchaseOrderUDR
  • StartSessionResultUDR
  • StopSessionResultUDR
  • TransactionSetUDR
  • TransactionUDR
  • UpdateSessionResultUDR.
instanceId (string)The instance id where the event described by this notification took place
timestamp (long)The date when the event described by this notification occurred
descUid (int)Returns the unique identifier of the notification
name (string)Returns the name of the notification
prettyName (string)Returns the pretty name of the notification
notifArguments (string)The arguments of the notification
serviceProvider (string)The service provider of the subscriber account
subscriberAccountCode (string)The code of the subscriber account code
code (string)The user message of the alert