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This SLA sets forth quantifiable standards for the provision of DigitalRoute Cloud Service, as described in the Cloud Service Description to this Agreement. Procedures for supply of the SLA services are described in the Operations Manual. DigitalRoute shall provide the technical and human resources for monitoring and maintaining the Cloud Service to prevent any non-compliance with the Service Levels described in this SLA.

Description of Service Objects 

The Service Objects described in this SLA are as follows:

Availability, which monitors the uptime of Cloud Service resources and records any ambiguous disruptions which may be reported as part of the SLA depending upon the cause of such disruptions.

Measurement of the Service Level is made by monitoring the system for availability to execute scheduled business processes (streams), measured with one-minute granularity. The Service object is expressed as a percentage and is calculated as;

Availability = (Service time Downtime)x 100/Service time

Note that the Availability monitoring excludes Suspended Time including pre-scheduled Maintenance Windows.

Incident classification; the respective classes may include, without limitation, the following failures:

  • Critical Incidents: Loss of platform resulting in the termination of Customer’s application that disrupts ongoing process activities and results in loss of data. The cause of the disruption is key to determining if it is due to a local fault or unexpected behaviour in one or more of the connected systems. See incident reporting below; on how information regarding such incidents shall be exchanged between the Customer and DigitalRoute.
  • Major Incidents: Loss of platform resulting in the termination of Customer’s application that does not disrupt any ongoing activities but may result in loss of data.
  • Minor Incidents: Loss of platform resulting in the termination of Customer’s application that does not disrupt any ongoing activities nor results in the loss of data.

Incident reporting and reaction times 

The Customer shall promptly report each incident to the DigitalRoute Service Desk via the Self-Service portal available 24/7, unless otherwise expressly specified in the Order. The incident will be handled by the DigitalRoute Service Desk. The procedures for incident handling are described in the Operations Manual.

The Customer is obliged to provide reasonable access to necessary logs, source data and information regarding other integrated systems and support to recreate scenarios which cause the incident. The customer has an obligation to implement workarounds whenever possible to resolve the incident.

Service Level Targets and SLAs 

The Service Level Targets and SLAs along with the measurement and calculation of Service Levels for each Service Object, Reaction and Reporting Times are detailed in the tables below.

Service SLA

Service Level Targets and SLA Reliability per Service Object.

The quarterly uptime percent will be measured based on the industry standard monitoring tools DigitalRoute uses.

Service ObjectSLA Target (MSL)Minor DeviationMajor DeviationSLA ReportingService Level CalculationService Credit
Availability99.9% (+/- 0.15%)< 99.75%< 99.0%Once per quarterAvailability = (Service time Downtime) / Service timeYes

*Due to dependence on internet and other network resources the MSP is calculated with a variance when calculating Availability for Minor Deviations.

Support SLA

The target response times based on the severity levels of reported problems are listed below for each of the Support Levels. It is DigitalRoute’s intention to meet the guidelines as set forth in the table below.

Incident Severity LevelCommunication Time Commitments

Standard SupportEnhanced Support
Response timeResponse time 
Critical4 hours1 hour
Major8 hours4 hours
Minor8 hours8 hours

Service Credits

The Customer will not be entitled to Service Credits if the failure is due to the Customers failure in performance or default in obligations, which impacts DigitalRoute’s ability to comply with this SLA. In addition, the entitlement of Service Credits is also subject to that

  • The Customer has allowed and enabled DigitalRoute to perform its measurements as referred in the service Objects.
  • The Customers use of DigitalRoute’s Service complies with the agreed terms and conditions of use as described in the Agreement.
  • The Customer has notified DigitalRoute at least five (5) Business Days prior to any planned work, upgrades etc. via the Self-ServicePortal to the Service Desk.
  • The Customer shall notify DigitalRoute of any service disruptions within 10 days of the end of the quarter in which the Customer determines that such disruptions occurred.

Implementation of Service Credits

Service Credits are payable to the Customer if DigitalRoute fails to meet certain Service Levels.

MSL (Minimum Service Level) for Service Objects will be the only measure that will trigger the right to Service Credits. Service Credits will be based on negative deviations from the MSL.

The negative deviations from the MSL will be measured on a quarterly basis.

The Customer may not bring any claim for Service Credits against DigitalRoute for a failure by DigitalRoute to meet any Service Level if such non-compliance has its origin in services provided by DigitalRoute’s suppliers.

Service Credits shall be Customer’s sole remedy in relation to failures to meet any agreed SLAs.

Calculation and Payment of Service Credits

The "Service Credit Based Amount" shall equal to a total and maximum of ten per cent (10%) of invoiced

  • Quarterly Subscription Fees for the Customer

The Service Credit Based Amount shall always be based on the quarterly amount invoiced or to be invoiced referent to the quarter in which (or from which) the MSL was not reached.

Except as otherwise provided in a specific SLA applicable for each Service Object, the Service Levels for each Service Object may trigger the following thresholds:

  • Minimum Service Level (MSL), shall be the same as the standard SLA target;
  • Minor Deviation; and
  • Major Deviation.

The thresholds for Minor and Major Deviations below the MSL are considered for calculating the Service Credit and specified in the table below:

Applicable Service Credit when Minor Deviation from the MSL50%*
Applicable Service Credit when Major Deviation from the MSL100%*

*Of the Service Credit Based Amount

Service Credits shall be requested as a credit by the customer in the event of any Service Level failure up to a maximum liability in any quarter equal to the Service Credit Based Amount. Service Credits shall be Customer’s sole remedy in relation to failures to meet any agreed SLAs.


Availability A per cent of the time a Service Object is available to the Customer. The Availability is measured by DigitalRoute on a quarterly basis for the total time the Service Object has been available in a quarter. Availability = (Service Time –Downtime) x 100/Service Time.
Critical Incident The Customer cannot use the Cloud Service, which is critically impacted. Guidelines for Incident classifications are given in each Service Object description.
Down-timeThe total time, during which the relevant Service Object was not available according to the applicable measurement method, excluding any Suspended Time.

An unplanned interruption to the Cloud Service(s) or loss or reduction of ability to operate or reduction in the quality of the Cloud Service(s) provided to the Customer. For Reaction Times purposes, an Incident is classified as:

  • Critical,
  • Major or
  • Minor.
Incident Response TimeThe period of time from the time an Incident is reported to the Service Desk until first response from the Service Desk.
Major DeviationSubstantial deviation below the MSL threshold, used to calculate the Service Credit amount.
Major Incident Reduced functionality or capacity of the Service Object. Guidelines for Incident classification are given in each Service Object description.
MSL(Minimum Service Level) The minimum Service Level taken as standard level of Service performance by DigitalRoute for each Service Object under this SLA.
Minor DeviationDeviation below the MSL threshold, used to calculate the Service Credit amount.
Minor IncidentMinor problems where the individual functions are out of order and/or quality is not noticeably affected by the Incident. Guidelines for Incident classification are given in each Service Object description.
Scheduled MaintenanceAll forms of Scheduled Maintenance performed by DigitalRoute or its suppliers which could affect performance of the Cloud Services, in particular the Service Time.
Service CreditAn amount due to the Customer as a result of a specified non-compliance with agreed upon Service Levels.
Service LevelPerformance level for each Service Object.
Service Level TargetsThe average performance levels for Service Objects.
Service ObjectA Service Object is a part of the Cloud Service which has its quarterly performance measured.
Service TimeTime during which the Service Objects are expected to function, which is twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, excluding Suspended Time.
Suspended Time

Scheduled Maintenance and other failure in delivery of the Cloud Services not caused by DigitalRoute, which are not included in the calculation of Service Availability.

Suspended Time includes, without limitation, the following:

  • Periodic and notified Scheduled Maintenance,
  • Delays in connection with Scheduled Maintenance or failure to repair as a result of the Customer's failure to adhere to agreedupon procedures,
  • Failures caused by the Customer in general, and in particular the Customer Solution, including maintenance work and upgrades and malfunctioning Customer Systems,
  • Failures due to environmental factors in the Customer’s premises (electricity, temperature, humidity etc.),
  • Delays due to non-availability of the Customer contact person.

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