Terms and Acronyms(3.3)
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Below are the terms and acronyms used throughout the documentation.
Term | Definition |
Agent | An application that executes a specific task in a workflow. There are three types of agents: collection, processing and forwarding agents. |
Analysis Programming Language | A structured programming language, used by the Analysis and Aggregation agents to analyze or manipulate UDR fields. |
Asynchronous agent | An asynchronous agent enables the workflow to process multiple UDRs simultaneously by using a queue for each output route. |
Batch | A file, containing external data records, that can only be collected by offline workflows. Offline workflows are also referred to as batch workflows. |
Begin Batch | Indicates the start of a data batch to be fed into a workflow. All collection agents emit Begin Batch messages at the beginning of a data batch. |
Cancel Batch | A message to cancel the current batch, initiated by any agent configured to do so. |
Collection Agent | An agent that collects and inserts data into workflows, including file based and UDR based collectors. |
Configuration | Configurations in include all the objects that you find in the Configuration Browser, for example, workflow configurations, agent profiles, workflow groups, Ultra formats, or alarm detectors. |
Data Batch | The data transferred through a Workflow between a Begin Batch and End Batch message. In file based mediation, a data batch often contains a complete file. |
EC Deployment | A new concept in 10 to hold a single EC with all its resources and workflows as one complete package that will execute, scale and balance on its own. |
End Batch | Indicates the end of a data batch fed into a Workflow. |
Execution Context | Execution Contexts are responsible for executing workflows. |
Forwarding Agent | An agent that distributes data from workflows. |
Meta Information Model | MIM - Some agents in a workflow need information from the workflow or other agents in order to operate. For example, an agent that produces a file might need the source file name and the number of processed UDRs to be used in the outgoing file name. uses the Meta Information Model to enable this. |
MIM resource | An identifier for a specific resource, published by the Workflow or an agent. MIM resources are static during the workflow execution. |
MIM value | The current value of a MIM resource. MIM resources can be assigned their values either statically, or when receiving Begin Batch or End Batch messages. |
MZ_HOME | The installation directory. |
Pico Configuration | A set of attributes that defines a pico instance. |
Pico Instance | A segment of that is also a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Pico Instances can be of the different types:
Platform | A core part of that is responsible for providing services to other pico instances. |
Processing Agent | An agent that processes data in a workflow. In a workflow, a processing agent can either have one incoming and one outgoing data stream, or just one incoming data stream. |
Profile | A global configuration that is used by the agents. Some agents require a profile to finalize the configuration of the agent. |
Related UDRs | Partial UDRs that originate from the same long-duration data exchange between two devices. |
Session | An information record that samples at any time during execution of a workflow. This record enables a recovery of the exact status of the workflow, when a failover occurs. In , a session is considered to be closed either when a timeout occurs or when a predefined closing criteria (an APL |
Synchronous Agent | A synchronous agent finishes processing of each UDR before it retrieves the next UDR in the queue. |
System | A system, refers to a Platform and any number of Execution Contexts. |
Ultra | format management system. |
Ultra Format Definition Language | UFDL - An enriched programming language used to describe the physical structure of incoming and outgoing (external) data, internal (working) formats, as well as decoding and encoding rules. |
Usage Detail Record | UDR - the translation of what otherwise is known as CDR, Call Detail Record. |
Workflow | A workflow is an executable object that is represented by a Workflow Table row in a Workflow configuration, an Execution Manager row, and a Workflow Monitor view. A workflow is included in a workflow configuration. You define a Workflow in the workflow configuration, further described in the Desktop User's Guide. |
Workflow Configuration | A Workflow configuration consists of:
Workflow Group | A group of workflows that are configured as a single entity and share criteria for scheduling and execution. |
Acronym | Definition |
APL | Analysis Programming Language |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
DB | Database |
EC | Execution Context |
ECD | Execution Context Deployment |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
GTP | GPRS Tunneling Protocol |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
HA | High Availability |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPDR | Internet Protocol Data Record |
JAR | Java Archive |
JMX | Java Management Extensions |
JNI | Java Native Interface |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine |
LCM | Life Cycle Management |
MIM | Meta Information Model |
OS | Operating System |
RCP | Remote Communication Protocol |
REST | Representational State Transfer |
SCP | Secure Copy Protocol |
SFTP | SSH File Transfer Protocol |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
UDR | Usage Detail Record |
UFDL | Ultra Format Definition Language |
XML | Extensible Markup Language |