Important Information (3.3.5)

Important Information (3.3.5)

The following provides important information related to Usage Engine 3.3.5:

Web Desktop no Longer Available

With the new Desktop that is accessible from a browser, not requiring a local client installation, there is no need to maintain the Web Desktop anymore and consequently it is no longer available from this release and onwards.

Action Required for Rollback from 3.x to 2.x

If you need to perform a helm rollback from a 3.x version to a 2.x version, the existing EC Deployment needs to be patched after having run the helm rollback command.

This can be done with the following shell command:

kubectl get deployments.apps -o custom-columns=NAME:metadata.name --no-headers | while read depl; do \ if [[ -n $(kubectl get deployments.apps $depl -o=jsonpath="{.spec.template.metadata.labels.ECDeployment}") ]]; \ then kubectl patch deployments.apps $depl -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"readinessGates":null}}}}'; \ fi; \ done

The reason for this is that the custom readiness gate introduced in version 3.0.0 will otherwise block the existing EC Deployments from being fully rolled back.

Deprecated Ingress Controller

If you use the bundled ingress controller, i.e. setting helm value nginx.enabled=true, it should be noted that this was deprecated a while back and will not work in Kubernetes v1.22 or later. The reason is that it relates to APIs that are removed in Kubernetes v1.22.

The solution to this is to install the Ingress NGINX controller helm chart separately.

Agents Built Using DTK Can Only Be Used in Desktop Client

Currently the agents built using the Development Toolkit can only be used in the Desktop Client.