ADLS2 File Forwarding Agent Input/Output Data and MIM(3.1)

Input/Output Data

The agent consumes  bytearray or MultiForwardingUDR  types.


For information about the MIM and a list of the general MIM parameters, see Administration and Management.


MIM Value


MultiForwardingUDR's FNTUDR

This MIM parameter is only set when the agent expects input of MultiForwardingUDR type. The MIM value is a string representing the sub path from the output root directory on the target file system. The path is specified by the fntSpecification field of the last received MultiForwardingUDR. For further information on using input of MultiForwardingUDR type, refer to the section, MultiForwardingUDR Input, in ADLS2 File Forwarding Agent Configuration(3.1).

This parameter is of the string type and is defined as a batch MIM context type.

File Transfer Timestamp

This MIM parameter contains a timestamp, indicating when the target file was created in the temporary directory.

File Transfer Timestamp  is of the date type and is defined as a trailer MIM context type.

Target Filename

This MIM parameter contains the name of the target filename, as defined in  Filename Template .

Target Filename  is of the string type and is defined as a trailer MIM context type.

Target Template Pathname

This MIM parameter contains the name of the target pathname, directories and filename, as defined in Filename Template.

Target Template Pathname is of the string type and is defined as a trailer MIM context type.

Target Pathname

This MIM parameter contains the path to the output directory, as defined in the  Disk  tab.

Target Pathname  is of the string type and is defined as a global MIM context type.


The agent accesses MIM parameters in the Filename Template configuration to construct the target filename.