ECS Forwarding Workflow (batch)

The forwarding workflow contains an Analysis agent which validates batches and sends them to the ECS in case of failure.

The Analysis agent can call the cancelBatch function

Workflow Properties

MIM values to be associated with the batch are mapped in the Workflow properties dialog. Also, the number of allowed cancelled batches is set here. Note that if Abort after one cancel batch is enabled, no batch is sent to the ECS if the workflow aborts.

Workflow properties - Error tab

The error UDR is handled from the Analysis agent. For further information, see Analysis Agent in ECS Collection Workflow (UDR). APL code always overrides any Desktop settings. Hence, the set Error Code has no effect on this.

ECS Inspection

Automatic assignment to reprocessing groups is done in exactly the same way as for UDRs in section ECS Forwarding Workflow (UDR), that is, via the ECS Inspector dialog (Reprocessing Groups button). Make sure to select the appropriate Error UDR Type. Then the UDR fields will be included as MIMs in the collection workflow.

Add Error Code dialog - where reprocessing groups can be selected

Analysis Agent

The Error UDR can be mapped from the Workflow properties dialog as well, however in this case APL code must be used, since other values than MIM values need to be inserted into the error UDR fields. Also, an Error Case must be assigned, and this is not possible from the Workflow properties dialog. For further information, see ECS Error Codes, and ECS Reprocessing Groups.

Example - Mapping the Error UDR in APL code

E.myErrorUDR eUDR = udrCreate( E.myErrorUDR ); eUDR.FileSize = (long)mimGet( "IN", "Source File Size"); eUDR.TS = (date)mimGet( "IN", "File Modified Timestamp"); eUDR.message = "PROCESSED ONCE."; udrAddError( eUDR, "switch_ERROR", "Switch not found."); cancelBatch( "Incorrect source.", eUDR );



To send error UDRs with the batch is optional. However, it is necessary if access to application-specific information is needed when reprocessing the batch. Error UDR fields will appear as MIM values in the reprocessing workflow. Also, the only possibility to associate an Error Code with the batch is by appending an Error UDR.