SMPolicy Data Model

The UDRs in the PCF.SMPolicy data model store information about different rules regarding the session management in 5G networks.

The main objects of PCF.SMPolicy are:






A flexible mapping table used to map from an external representation to a list of rules. The mapping should not include any information related to a specific subscriber.


The different rules used by the mapping object, see the sections PCCRule UDR and SessionRule UDR below.


Rules contains the rule settings regarding session management that should be applied for the subscribers.


A session rule consists of policy information elements associated with PDU session. A session rule is dynamically provisioned by the PCF to the SMF (i.e., there are only dynamic session rules).

This page contains the following sections:

Overview of the SMPolicy Data Model

The different UDRs within the SMPolicy data model are connected as follows:

Overview of the PCF Rules Data Model

RulesMapping UDR

In the RulesMapping UDR you set up the priority for the rules mapping, the PCF rules to be applied, products to connect to, etc that the RulesMapping should use.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the RulesMapping UDR.

Priority (int)

The priority of the mapping item. A low value indicates a high priority. The priority determines the order in which the matched mapping objects are returned.

Arguments (list<string>)

The arguments of a mapping object, for example the product. The arguments are stated with regular expressions, which means that entering "Products [2-5]" will match Products 2, 3, 4, or 5.

Targets (list<Target>)

A list of Target UDR(s) which represent different SMPolicyDecisions used by the mapping object. The Target UDRs reference the different rules that should be applied.

A rule is a set of policy information elements associated with a PDU session, or with service data flows (i.e., with a PCC rule).

Two types of rules are defined:

  • Session rule

  • PCC rule

Both Session rules and PCC rules are composed of embedded information elements as well as information elements that are part of the referenced objects, for example condition data, or usage monitoring policy data.

StopFallthrough (boolean)

Used in the rules selection process. If several rules apply, but the one with highest priority has been configured with StopFallthrough set to Yes, only this rule will be returned if it is active. If it is not active, all other active rules that apply will be returned.

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the RulesMapping UDR:

RulesMapping UDR

Target UDR

With the Target UDR you define different SMPolicyDecisions, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the Target UDR.

Name (string)

The name of the target.

Period (Period (PCF.Common))

The Period UDR that should be used.

sessRules (list<SessionRule (PCF.SMPolicy)>)

A list of SessionRule UDR(s) that should be used.

This attribute shall not be removed if it was provisioned.

pccRules (list<PccRule (PCF.SMPolicy)>)

A list of PccRule UDRs that should be used.

qosDecs (list<QosData (PCF.SMPolicy)>

A list of of QosData UDRs with policy decisions that should be used.

This attribute shall not be removed if it was provisioned.

chgDecs (list<ChargingData (PCF.SMPolicy)>

A list of ChargingData UDRs that should be used.

traffContDecs (list<TrafficControlData (PCF.SMPolicy)>)

A list of TrafficControlData UDRs with policy decisions that should be used.

This attribute shall not be removed if it was provisioned.

umDecs (list<UsageMonitoringData (PCF.SMPolicy)>)

A list of UsageMonitoringData UDRs that should be used.

qosChars (list<QosCharacteristics (PCF.SMPolicy)>)

A list of QosCharacteristics UDRs, for non- standard 5QIs and non-preconfigured 5QIs, that should be used.

qosMonDecs (list>QosMonitoringData (PCF.SMPolicy)>)

A list of QosMonitoringData UDRs with policy decisions that should be used.

offline (boolean)

"Indicates if the offline charging is applicable to the PDU session when it is included and set to true.

This attribute may only be supplied by the PCF in the response to the POST request that requested the creation of an individual SM policy resource.

If both the "offline" attribute and the "online" attribute is omitted by the PCF, the default charging method pre-configured at the SMF if available shall be applied to the PDU session. If both offline and online charging methods are pre-configured at the SMF, the SMF shall determine either of them to be applied to the PDU session based on local policy. The “offline” attribute and the “online” attribute shall not be simultaneously present with the same value, i.e., both set to true or both set to false."

online (boolean)

"Indicates the online charging is applicable to the PDU session when it is included and set to true.

This attribute may only be supplied by the PCF in the response to the POST request that requested the creation of an individual SM policy resource.

If both the "offline" attribute and the "online" attribute is omitted by the PCF, the default charging method pre- configured at the SMF if available shall be applied to the PDU session. If both offline and online charging methods are pre-configured at the SMF, the SMF shall determine either of them to be applied to the PDU session based on local policy. The “offline” attribute and the “online” attribute shall not be simultaneously present with the same value, i.e., both set to true or both set to false."

conds (list>ConditionData (PCF.SMPolicy)>

A list of ConditionData UDRs that should be used.

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the Target UDR:

Target UDR

SessionRule UDR

The SessionRule UDR contains session level policy information, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.

A session rule consists of policy information elements associated with PDU session. A session rule is dynamically provisioned by the PCF to the SMF (i.e., there are only dynamic session rules).





ID (int)

The unique ID of the SessionRule UDR.

Name (string)

The name of the session rule.

authSessAmbr (Ambr (PCF.SMPolicy))

The Ambr UDR to be used.

authDefQos (AuthorizedDefaultQos (PCF.SMPolicy)

The AuthorizedDefaultQoS UDR to be used.

sessRuleID (string)

"The identifier for the session rule used within the PDU session."

refUmData (string)

"A reference to the UsageMonitoringData policy decision type."

refUmN3gData (string)

"A reference to the UsageMonitoringData policy decision type to apply for Non- 3GPP access.

If refUmN3gData is omitted, the the reference in the field refUmData will be used for both, 3GPP and Non-3GPP, accesses."

refCondData (string)

"A reference to the condition data."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the SessionRule UDR:

SessionRule UDR

Ambr UDR

The Ambr UDR defines the Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate , according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0 and 3GPP specification TS 29.571 v. 15.3.0. Descriptions from these specifications are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the Ambr UDR.

Name (string)

The name of the Ambr UDR.

uplink (long)

"Defines the AMBR for uplink."

downlink (long)

"Defines the AMBR for downlink.

resourceType (string)

"Determines whether the resource type is:

  • NON_GBR → Non-GBR QoS Flow

  • NON_CRITICAL_GBR → Non-delay critical GBR QoS flow

  • CRITICAL_GBR → Delay critical GBR QoS flow"

priorityLevel (int)

"Unsigned integer indicating the 5QI Priority Level, within a range of 1 to 127."

packetDelayBudget (int)

"Defines the Packet Delay Budget, expressed in milliseconds.
Minimum = 1."

packetErrRate (string)

"Defines the Packet Error Rate, expressed as a "scalar x 10-k" where the scalar and the exponent k are each encoded as one decimal digit..

Pattern: '^([0-9]E-[0-9])$'

Packer Error Rate 4x10-6 shall be encoded as "4E-6". Packer Error Rate 10-2 shall be encoded as "1E2"."

averWindow (int)

"Defines the Averaging Window, expressed in milliseconds.
Minimum = 1. Maximum = 4095. Default = 2000."

maxDataBurstVol (int)

"Defines the Maximum Data Burst Volume, expressed in Bytes.
Minimum = 1. Maximum = 4095."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the Ambr UDR:

Ambr UDR

AuthorizedDefaultQos UDR

In the AuthorizedDefaultQos UDR contains the Authorized Default QoS information according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the AuthorizedDefaultQos UDR.

Name (string)

The name of the AuthorizedDefaultQos UDR.

f5qi (int)

"5G QoS Identifier. It shall be included when the Authorized Default QoS is initially provisioned."

arp (Arp (PCF.SMPolicy))

"The Arp UDR defining the allocation and retention priority to be used. It shall be included when the Authorized Default QoS is initially provisioned."

priorityLevel (int)

"Unsigned integer indicating the 5QI Priority Level, within a range of 1 to 127."

averWindow (int)

"Indicates the averaging window. This IE can be present only for GBR QoS flow or a Delay Critical GBR QoS flow."

maxdataBurstVol (int)

"Unsigned integer indicating the maximum data burst volume.

Either the maxDataBurstVol IE or the extMaxDataBurstVol IE may be present for a Delay Critical GBR QoS flow. If the maximum data burst volume value to be transmitted is lower than or equal to 4095 Bytes, the maxDataBurst Vol IE is used. If the EMDBV feature is supported by both the PCF and the SMF, the extMaxDataBurstVol IE is used to transmit maximum data burst volume values higher than 4095 Bytes."

gbrUI (long)

"Indicates the guaranteed bandwidth in uplink.

This attribute is only applicable to GBR type or delay critical GBR type 5QI."

gbrDI (long)

"Indicates the guaranteed bandwidth in downlink.

This attribute is only applicable to GBR type or delay critical GBR type 5QI."

maxbrUI (long)

"Indicates the max bandwidth in uplink.

This attribute is only applicable to GBR type or delay critical GBR type 5QI."

maxbrDI (long)

"Indicates the max bandwidth in downlink.

This attribute is only applicable to GBR type or delay critical GBR type 5QI."

qnc (boolean)

"The QNC, QoS Notification Control, according to 3GPP 23.503 v. 15.2.0, indicates whether notifications are requested from 3GPP RAN when the GFBR can no longer (or again) be fulfilled for a QoS Flow during the lifetime of the QoS Flow."

extMaxDataBurstVol (int)

"Unsigned integer indicating the maximum data burst volume.

Either the maxDataBurstVol IE or the extMaxDataBurstVol IE may be present for a Delay Critical GBR QoS flow. If the maximum data burst volume value to be transmitted is lower than or equal to 4095 Bytes, the maxDataBurst Vol IE is used. If the EMDBV feature is supported by both the PCF and the SMF, the extMaxDataBurstVol IE is used to transmit maximum data burst volume values higher than 4095 Bytes. "

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the AuthorizedDefaultQos UDR:

AuthorizedDefaultQos UDR


In the Arp UDR you define the Allocation and Retention Priority, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.571 v. 15.3.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the Arp UDR.

priorityLevel (int)

"Defines the relative importance of a resource request."

preemptCap (string)

"Defines whether a service data flow may get resources that were already assigned to another service data flow with a lower priority level."

preemptVuln (string)

"Defines whether a service data flow may lose the resources assigned to it in order to admit a service data flow with higher priority level."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the Arp UDR:



The PCCRule UDR contains the PCC rule information according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.

"A PCC rule is a set of information elements enabling the detection of a service data flow and providing parameters for policy control and/or charging control.

There are two different types of PCC rules as defined in 3GPP TS 23.503:

  • Dynamic PCC rules
    PCC rules that are dynamically provisioned by the PCF to the SMF. These PCC rules may be either predefined or dynamically generated in the PCF. Dynamic PCC rules can be installed, modified and removed at any time.

  • Predefined PCC rules
    PCC rules that are preconfigured in the SMF. Predefined PCC rules can be activated or deactivated by the PCF at any time. Predefined PCC rules within the PCF may be grouped allowing the PCF to dynamically activate a set of PCC rules.

Additionally, predefined PCC rules may be grouped within the SMF as predefined PCC rule bases which allow the PCF to dynamically activate these sets of rules. In this case, the PCC rule identifier is used to hold the predefined PCC rule base identifier."





ID (int)

The unique ID of the PCC rule.

Name (string)

The name of the PCC rule.

flowInfos (list<FlowInformation (PCF.SMPolicy)>)

"A list of FlowInformation UDRs containing IP flow packet filter information to be used.

The property is only applicable for the NEF."


"A reference to the application detection filter configured at the UPF.

The property is only applicable for the NEF."

appDescriptor (string)

"ATSSS rule application descriptor. It shall be present when the PDU session is a MA PDU session and the SDF template contains an Application Identifier (i.e. when the "appId" attribute is present)."

contVer (int)

"Indicates the content version of the PCC rule."

pccRuleId (string)

"Univocally identifies the PCC rule within a PDU session.

The PCC Rule Id uniquely identifies the PCC rule, within a PDU Session. It is used between PCF and SMF for referencing PCC rules."

precedence (long)

"Determines the order in which this PCC rule is applied relative to other PCC rules within the same PDU session. It shall be included if the "flowInfos" attribute is included or may be included if the "appId" attribute is included when the PCF initially provisions the PCC rule.

One of "ueIpv4Addr", "ueIpv6Addr" or "macAddr" shall be included. If ipv4 or ipv6 address is provided, IP flow information shall be provided. If MAC address is provided and the AppId feature is not supported, Ethernet flow information (either "ethFlowInfo", or if the feature EnEthAsSessionQoS_5G is supported, "enEthFlowInfo")shall be provided. If the AppId feature is supported, one of IP flow information, Ethernet flow information (if EthAsSessionQoS_5G and/or EnEthAsSessionQoS_5G is supported) or External Application Identifier shall be provided."

afSigProtocol (string)

"Indicates the protocol used for signalling between the UE and the AF. The default value "NO_INFORMATION" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously."

appReloc (boolean)

"It indicates that the application cannot be relocated once a location of the application is selected by the 5GC when it is included and set to "true". Indication of application relocation possibility. The default value "false" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously."

addrPreserInd (boolean)

"Indicates whether UE IP address should be preserved.
This attribute shall set to "true" if preserved, otherwise, set to "false". The default value "false" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously."

refQosData (list<string>)

"A reference to the QoSData policy type decision type.

Properties marked with a feature are applicable. If no features are indicated, the related property applies for all the features."

refAltQosParams (list<string>)

"A Reference to the QoS Data policy decision type for the Alternative QoS parameter sets of the service data flow. Only the "qosId" attribute, "5qi" attribute, "maxbrUl" attribute, "maxbrDl" attribute, "gbrUl" attribute and "gbrDl" attribute are applicable within the QosData data type. This data type represents an ordered list, where the lower the index of the array for a given entry, the higher the priority."

refTcData (list<string>)

"A reference to the TrafficControlData policy decision type. 

Properties marked with a feature are applicable. If no features are indicated, the related property applies for all the features."

refChgData (list<string>)

"A reference to the ChargingData policy decision type.

Properties marked with a feature are applicable. If no features are indicated, the related property applies for all the features."

refchgN3gData (list<string>)

"A reference to the ChargingData policy decision type only applicable to Non-3GPP access. 

Properties marked with a feature are applicable. If no features are indicated, the related property applies for all the features.

The attributes "reqGbrDl", "reqGbrUl", "reqMbrDl", "reqMbrUl", "maxTscBurstSize", "req5Gsdelay", "reqPer" (if the ExtQoS_5G feature is supported), and "priority" within the "tscQosReq" attribute may be provided only if the "qosReference" attribute is not provided."

refUmData (list<string>)

"A reference to UsageMonitoringData policy decision type.

Properties marked with a feature are applicable. If no features are indicated, the related property applies for all the features."

refUmN3gData (list<string>)

"A reference to UsageMonitoringData policy decision type only applicable to Non-3GPP access. 

When the Ethernet flow information is provided and, the EthAsSessionQoS_5G and EnEthAsSessionQoS_5G features are supported, either the "ethFlowInfo" or the "enEthFlowInfo" shall be provided, but not both simultenously."

refCondData (string)

"A reference to the condition data."

refQoSMon (list<string>)

"A reference to QoSMonitoringData policy decision type. 

Properties marked with a feature are applicable. If no features are indicated, the related property applies for all the features."

tscaiInputDI (TscaiInputContainer (PCF.SMPolicy))

"The TscaiInputContainer UDR that transports TSCAI input parameters for TSC traffic at the ingress interface of the DS-TT/UE (uplink flow direction)."

tscaiInputUI (TscaiInputContainer (PCF.SMPolicy))

"The TscaiInputContainer UDR that transports TSCAI input parameters for TSC traffic at the ingress of the NW-TT (downlink flow direction)."

ddNotifCtrl (DownlinkDataNotificationControl (PCF.SMPolicy))

"The first DownlinkDataNotificationControl UDR to use. See the DownlinkDataNotificationContol section below."

ddNotifCtrl2 (DownlinkDataNotificationControl (PCF.SMPolicy))

"The second DownlinkDataNotificationControl UDR to use. See the DownlinkDataNotificationContol section below."

disUeNotif (bolean)

"Indicates whether to disable QoS flow parameters signalling to the UE when the SMF is notified by the NG-RAN of changes in the fulfilled QoS situation. The fulfilled situation is either the QoS profile or an Alternative QoS Profile.

- true: the QoS flow parameters signalling to the UE is disabled;

- false (default): the QoS flow parameters signalling to the UE is not disabled."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the PccRules UDR:

PccRules UDR

FlowInformation UDR

The FlowInformation UDR contains the flow information, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0 and 3GPP TS 24.008 v. 13.7.0. Descriptions from these specifications are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the FlowInformation UDR.

flowDescription (string)

"Contains the packet filters of the IP flow(s)."

ethFlowDescription (EthFlowDescription (PCF.SMPolicy))

"Defines the EthFlowDescription UDR, which is a packet filter for an Ethernet flow, to be used. If the "fDir" attribute is included, it shall be set to "DOWNLINK". If the "fDir" attribute is never provided, the address information within the "ethFlowDescription" attribute shall be encoded in downlink direction."

packFiltId (string)

"An identifier of packet filter."

packetFilterUsage (boolean)

"The packet shall be sent to the UE. The default value "FALSE" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously."

tosTrafficClass (string)

"2-octet string. The first octet contains the Ipv4 Type-of-Service or the Ipv6 Traffic-Class field and the second octet contains the ToS/Traffic mask field in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. One example is that of a TFT packet filter as defined in 3GPP 3GPP TS 24.008 v. 13.7.0."

spi (string)

"4 octet string, representing the security parameter index of the IPSec packet in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. One example is that of a TFT packet filter as defined in 3GPP TS 24.008 v. 13.7.0."

flowLabel (string)

"3-octet string, representing the Ipv6 flow label header field in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. One example is that of a TFT packet filter as defined in 3GPP 3GPP TS 24.008 v. 13.7.0."

flowDirection (string)

"Indicates the direction/directions that a filter is applicable, downlink only, uplink only or both down- and uplink (bidirectional)."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the FlowInformation UDR:

FlowInformation UDR

EthFlowDescription UDR

The EthFlowDescription UDR defines a packet filter for an Ethernet flow, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the EthFlowDescription UDR.

destMacAddr (string)

"Destination MAC address."

fDesc (string)

"Contains the flow description for the Uplink or Downlink IP flow. It shall be present when the Ethertype is IP."

fDir (string)

"Contains the packet filter direction. Only the "DOWNLINK" or "UPLINK" value is applicable."

sourceMacAddr (string)

"Source MAC address."

vlanTags (list<string>)

"Source MAC address end. If this attribute is present, the sourceMacAddr attribute specifies the source MAC address start. E.g. srcMacAddrEnd with value 00-10-A4-23-3E-FE and sourceMacAddr with value 00-10-A4-23-3E-02 means all MAC addresses from 00-10-A4-23-3E-02 up to and including 00-10-A4-23-3E-FE."

srcMacAdrEnd (string)

"Customer-VLAN and/or Service-VLAN tags containing the VID, PCP/DEI fields as defined in IEEE 802.1Q [17] and IETF RFC 7042 [18]. The first/lower instance in the array stands for the Customer-VLAN tag and the second/higher instance in the array stands for the Service-VLAN tag.

Each field is encoded as a two-octet string in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the PCP/DEI field shall appear first in the string, followed by character representing the 4 most significant bits of the VID field, and the character representing the 4 least significant bits of the VID field shall appear last in the string.

If only Service-VLAN tag is provided, empty string for Customer-VLAN tag shall be provided."

destMaccAddrEnd (string)

"Destination MAC address end. If this attribute is present, the destMacAddr attribute specifies the destination MAC address start."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the EthFlowDescription UDR:

EthFlowDescription UDR

TscaiInputContainer UDR

The TscaiInputContainer contains TSCAI (Time Sensitive Communication Assistance Information) input information, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.514 v. 16.6.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the TscaiInputContainer UDR.

Name (string)

The name of the TscaiInputContainer UDR. 

burstArrivalTime (date)

Indicates the arrival time of the data burst in reference to the external GM.

periodicity (int)

Unsigned 64-bit integer identifying a period of time in units of microseconds, i.e. 0 to (2^64)-1.

Minimum = 0.

Maximum = 18446744073709551615.

Identifications of the time period between the start of two bursts in reference to the external GM.

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the TscaiInputContainer UDR:

TascaiInputContainer UDR

DownlinkDataNotificationControl UDR

In the DowlinkDataNotificationControl UDR you determine whether notification of DDD (Downlink Data Delivery) Status is required with related information as well as whether notification of DDN Failure is requested, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the DownlinkDataNotificationControl UDR.

notifCtrlsInds (list<string>)

"Determines the event notification(s) requested.

In this release of the specification the maximum number of elements in the array is 2."

typesOfNotif (list<string>)

"Contains the type of notification of DDD Status.

In this release of the specification the maximum number of elements in the array is 2."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the DownlinkDataNotificationControl UDR:

DownlinkDataNotificationControl UDR

QosData UDR

The QosData UDR contains various QoS parameters, according to according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the QosData UDR.

qosId (string)

"Univocally identifies the QoS control policy data within a PDU session."

f5qi (int)

"Identifier for the authorized QoS parameters for the service data flow. It shall be included when the QoS data decision is initially provisioned and "defQosFlowIndication" is not included or is included and set to false."

maxbrUI (long)

"Indicates the max bandwidth in uplink."

maxbrDI (long)

"Indicates the max bandwidth in downlink."

gbrUI (long)

"Indicates the guaranteed bandwidth in uplink."

gbrDI (long)

"Indicates the guaranteed bandwidth in downlink."

arp (Arp (PCF.SMPolicy))

"Defines the Arp UDR to be used."

qnc (boolean)

"Indicates whether notifications are requested from 3GPP NG-RAN when the GFBR can no longer (or again) be guaranteed for a QoS Flow during the lifetime of the QoS Flow. Default value "FALSE" is used, if not present and has not been supplied previously."

reflectiveQos (boolean)

"Indicates whether the QoS information is reflective for the corresponding non- GBR service data flow. Default value "FALSE" is used, if not present and has not been supplied previously."

sharingKeyDI (string)

"Indicates, by containing the same value, what PCC rules may share resource in downlink direction."

sharingKeyUI (string)

"Indicates, by containing the same value, what PCC rules may share resource in uplink direction."

priorityLevel (int)

"Indicates a priority in scheduling resources among QoS Flows.

Applicable only when a value different from the standardized value for this 5QI."

averWindow (int)

"Represents the duration over which the guaranteed and maximum bitrate shall be calculated.

Applicable only when a value different from the standardized value for this 5QI."

maxDataBurstVol (int)

"Denotes the largest amount of data that is required to be transferred within a period of 5G-AN PDB.

Applicable only when a value different from the standardized value for this 5QI.

Either the maxDataBurstVol IE or the extMaxDataBurstVol IE may be present. If the maximum data burst volume value to be transmitted is lower than or equal to 4095 Bytes, the maxDataBurst Vol IE is used. If the EMDBV feature is supported by both the PCF and the SMF, the extMaxDataBurstVol IE is used to transmit maximum data burst volume values higher than 4095 Bytes."

maxPacketLossRateDI (int)

"Indicates the downlink maximum rate for lost packets that can be tolerated for the service data flow."

maxPacketLossRateUI (int)

"Indicates the uplink maximum rate for lost packets that can be tolerated for the service data flow."

defQosFlowIndicaton (boolean)

"Indicates that the dynamic PCC rule shall always have its binding with the QoS Flow associated with the default QoS rule. Default value "FALSE" is used, if not present and has not been supplied previously."

extMaxDataBurstVol (int)

"Denotes the largest amount of data that is required to be transferred within a period of 5G-AN PDB.

Applicable only when a value different from the standardized value for this 5QI.

Either the maxDataBurstVol IE or the extMaxDataBurstVol IE may be present. If the maximum data burst volume value to be transmitted is lower than or equal to 4095 Bytes, the maxDataBurst Vol IE is used. If the EMDBV feature is supported by both the PCF and the SMF, the extMaxDataBurstVol IE is used to transmit maximum data burst volume values higher than 4095 Bytes."

packetDelayBudget (int)

"Unsigned integer indicates the packet delay budget. Packet Delay Budget expressed in milliseconds."

packetErrorRate (string)

"String indicating the packet error rate. Examples:
Packet Error Rate 4x10-6 shall be encoded as "4E-6".

Packet Error Rate 10-2 shall be encoded as"1E-2"."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the QosData UDR:

QosData UDR

ChargingData UDR

The ChargingData UDR contains charging related parameters, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the ChargingData UDR.

chgId (string)

"Univocally identifies the charging control policy data within a PDU session."

meteringMethod (string)

"Defines what parameters shall be metered for offline charging. If the attribute is not present but it has been supplied previously, the previous information remains valid. If the attribute is not present and it has not been supplied previously or the attribute has been supplied previously but the attribute is set to NULL, the metering method pre-configured at the SMF is applicable as default metering method."

offline (boolean)

"Indicates the offline charging is applicable to the PCC rule when it is included and set ot true.

The absence of both the "offline" attribute and "online" attribute or only one attribute is present and set to false within a Charging Data decision instance indicates that the default charging method of the PDU session is applicable to the PCC rule referring to the Charging Data decision. Either "offline" attribute or "online" attribute set to true shall be provisioned initially if there is no default charging method applied to the PDU session. The “offline” attribute and the “online” attribute shall not be simultaneously present with the same value, i.e., both set to true or both set to false."

online (boolean)

"Indicates the online charging is applicable to the PCC rule when it is included and set ot true.

The absence of both the "offline" attribute and "online" attribute or only one attribute is present and set to false within a Charging Data decision instance indicates that the default charging method of the PDU session is applicable to the PCC rule referring to the Charging Data decision. Either "offline" attribute or "online" attribute set to true shall be provisioned initially if there is no default charging method applied to the PDU session. The “offline” attribute and the “online” attribute shall not be simultaneously present with the same value, i.e., both set to true or both set to false."

sdfHandl (boolean)

"Indicates whether the service data flow is allowed to start while the SMF is waiting for the response to the credit request. The default value "FALSE" (blocking) shall apply, if the attribute is not present.

The "sdfHandl" attribute shall not be present when the online charging method does not apply for the PCC rule referring to the Charging Data decision (i.e., when the "online" attribute is present and set to false, or is absent and the online default charging method does not apply for the PDU session, or is absent and there is no online default charging method defined)."

ratingGroup (int)

"The charging key for the PCC rule used for rating purposes."

reportingLevel (string)

"Defines on what level the SMF reports the usage for the related PCC rule. If the attribute is not present but it has been supplied previously, the previous information remains valid. If the attribute is not present and it has not been supplied previously or the attribute has been supplied previously but it is set to NULL, the reporting level pre-configured at the SMF is applicable as default reporting level."

serviceId (int)

"Indicates the identifier of the service or service component the service data flow in a PCC rule relates to."

sponsorId (string)

"Indicates the sponsor identity."

appSvcProvId (string)

"Indicates the application service provider identity."

afChargingIdentifier (int)

"An identifier, provided from the AF, correlating the measurement for the Charging key/Service identifier values in this PCC rule with application level reports.

The "afChargingIdentifier" attribute shall not be present when the "AF_Charging_Identifier" feature is supported. When the "AF_Charging_Identifier" feature is not supported it is out of the scope of the specification what the behaviour of the PCF is when the AF provides charging identifier values that are out of ChargingId data type value range."

afChargId (string)

"A character string identifier, provided from the AF, correlating the measurement for the Charging key/Service identifier values in this PCC rule with application level reports.

The "afChargId" attribute shall be used instead of the "afChargingIdentifier" attribute when the "AF_Charging_Identifier" feature is supported."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the ChargingData UDR:

ChargingData UDR

TrafficControlData UDR

The TrafficControlData UDR contains parameters determining how flows associated with a PCCRule are treated (blocked, redirected, etc), according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The unique ID of the TrafficControlData UDR.

Name (string)

The name of the TrafficControlData UDR. 

tcId (string)

"Univocally identifies the traffic control policy data within a PDU session."

flowStatus (string)

"Enum determining what action to perform on traffic. Possible values are: [enable, disable, enable_uplink, enable_downlink]. The default value "ENABLED" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously."

redirectInfo (RedirectInformation (PCF.SMPolicy))

"It indicates whether the detected application traffic should be redirected to another controlled address defined in the RedirectInformation UDR."

addRedrictInfo (list<RedirectInformation (PCF.SMPolicy)>)

"Additional redirection information. Each element indicates whether the detected application traffic should be redirected to another controlled address and is stated by a list of RedirectInformation UDR(s)."

muteNotif (boolean)

"Indicates whether application's start or stop notification is to be muted. The default value "FALSE" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously."

trafficSteeringPolldDI (string)

"Reference to a pre-configured traffic steering policy for downlink traffic at the SMF.

Traffic steering policy identifier(s) (i.e. "trafficSteeringPolldDI" attribute and/or "trafficSteeringPolldUI" attribute) and N6 traffic routing requirements (i.e. "routeToLocs" attribute) are mutually exclusive."

trafficSteeringPollUI (string)

"Reference to a pre-configured traffic steering policy for uplink traffic at the SMF.

Traffic steering policy identifier(s) (i.e. "trafficSteeringPolldDI" attribute and/or "trafficSteeringPolldUI" attribute) and N6 traffic routing requirements (i.e. "routeToLocs" attribute) are mutually exclusive."

routeToLocs (list<RouteToLocation (PCF.Common)>)

"A list of routeToLocs UDRs which the traffic shall be routed to for the AF request.

Traffic steering policy identifier(s) (i.e. "trafficSteeringPolldDI" attribute and/or "trafficSteeringPolldUI" attribute) and N6 traffic routing requirements (i.e. "routeToLocs" attribute) are mutually exclusive."

traffCorreInd (boolean)

"Indication of traffic correlation. If it is included and set to "true", traffic should be correlated; The default value "false" applies, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously.

The TSC feature shall be supported in order to support this attribute."

upPathChgEvent (UpPathChgevent (PCF.SMPolicy))

"Contains the information about the AF subscriptions of the UP path change."

steerFun (string)

"Indicates the applicable traffic steering functionality."

steerModeDI (SteeringMode (PCF.SMPolicy))

"Determines the traffic distribution rule across 3GPP and Non-3GPP accesses to apply for downlink traffic."

steerModeUI (SteeringMode (PCF.SMPolicy))

"Determines the traffic distribution rule across 3GPP and Non-3GPP accesses to apply for uplink traffic."

mulAccCtrl (string)

"Indicates whether the service data flow, corresponding to the service data flow template, is allowed or not allowed. The default value "NOT_ALLOWED" applies, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the TrafficControlData UDR:

TrafficControlData UDR

RedirectInformation UDR

The RedirectInformation UDR contains the redirect information, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (string)

The ID of the RedirectInformation UDR.

Name (string)

The name of the RedirectInformation UDR.

redirectEnabled (boolean)

"This attribute indicates whether the redirect instruction is enable. It shall be included and set to true when the redirect instruction is provisioned initially and may be included subsequently to disable or re-enable the redirect instruction. If the attribute omitted, the previous value shall apply."

redirectAddressType (string)

"Indicates the type of redirect address contained within the "redirectServerAddress" attribute."

redirectServerAddress (string)

"Indicates the address of the redirect server.
If "redirectAddressType" attribute indicates the IPV4_ADDR, the encoding is the same as the Ipv4Addr data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [11].
If "redirectAddressType" attribute indicates the IPV6_ADDR, the encoding is the same as the Ipv6Addr data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [11].
If "redirectAddressType" attribute indicates the URL or SIP_URI, the encoding is the same as the Uri data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [11]."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the RedirectInformation UDR:

RedirectInformation UDR

UpPathChgEvent UDR

The UpPathChgEvent UDR contains the redirect information, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (string)

The ID of the UpPathChgEvent UDR.

notificationUri (string)

"Notification address of AF receiving the event notification."

notifCorreId (string)

"It is used to set the value of Notification Correlation ID in the notification sent by the SMF."

dnaiChargeType (string)

"Indicates the type of DNAI change."

afAckInd (boolean)

"Identifies whether the AF acknowledgement of UP path event notification is expected.

Set to "true" if the AF acknowledge is expected; otherwise set to "false".

Default value is "false" if omitted."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the UpPathChgEvent UDR:

UpPathChgEvent UDR

SteeringMode UDR

The SteeringMode UDR contains the redirect information, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (string)

The ID of the SteeringMode UDR.

steerModeValue (string)

"Indicates the value of the steering mode."

active (string)

"Indicates the Active access. It shall be included when the "steerModeValue" attribute is set to "ACTIVE_STANDBY"."

standby (string)

"Indicates the Standby access. It may be included when the "steerModeValue" attribute is set to "ACTIVE_STANDBY"."

t3gLoad (int)

"Indicates the traffic load to steer to the 3GPP Access expressed in one percent.

It shall be set to 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 or 100.

It shall be included when the "steerModeValue" attribute is set to "LOAD_BALANCING"."

prioAcc (string)

"Indicates the high priority access.

It shall be included when the "steerModeValue" attribute is set to "PRIORITY_BASED"."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the SteeringMode UDR:

SteeringMode UDR

UsageMonitoringData UDR

The UsageMonitoringData UDR contains usage monitoring related control information, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The ID of the UsageMonitoringData UDR.

umId (string)

"Univocally identifies the usage monitoring policy data within a PDU session."

volumeThreshold (long)

"Indicates the total volume threshold."

volumeThresholdUplink (long)

"Indicates a volume threshold in uplink."

volumeThresholdDownlink (long)

"Indicates a volume threshold in downlink."

timeThreshold (long)

"Indicates a time threshold."

monitoringTime (date)

"Indicates the time at which the UP function is expected to reapply the next thresholds (e.g. nextVolThreshold)."

nextVolThreshold (long)

"Indicates a volume threshold after the Monitoring Time."

nextVolThresholdUplink (long)

"Indicates a volume threshold in uplink after the Monitoring Time."

nextVolThresholdDownlink (long)

"Indicates al volume threshold in downlink after the Monitoring Time."

nextTimeThreshold (long)

"Indicates a time threshold after the Monitoring."

inactivityTime (long)

"Defines the period of time after which the time measurement shall stop, if no packets are received."


"Contains the PCC rule identifier(s) which corresponding service data flow(s) shall be excluded from PDU Session usage monitoring. It is only included in the UsageMonitoringData instance for session level usage monitoring."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the UsageMonitoringData UDR:

UsageMonitoringData UDR

QosCharacteristics UDR

The QosCharacteristics UDR contains QoS characteristics for a non- standardized or non-configured 5QI, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The ID of the QosCharacteristics UDR.

5qi (int)

"Identifier for the authorized QoS parameters for the service data flow. Applies to PCC rule and PDU session level."

resourceType (string)

"Indicates whether the resource type is GBR, delay critical GBR, or non-GBR."

priorityLevel (int)

"Unsigned integer indicating the 5QI Priority Level, within a range of 1 to 127."

packetDelayBudget (int)

"Unsigned integer indicates the packet delay budget. Packet Delay Budget expressed in milliseconds."

packetErrorRate (string)

"String indicating the packet error rate.
Packer Error Rate 4x10-6 shall be encoded as "4E-6".

Packer Error Rate 10-2 shall be encoded as"1E-2"."

averagingWindow (int)

"Indicates the averaging window. This IE shall be present only for a GBR QoS flow or a Delay Critical GBR QoS flow."

maxDataBurstVol (int)

"Unsigned Integer. Indicates the maximum data burst volume.

Either the maxDataBurstVol IE or the extMaxDataBurstVol IE may be present for a Delay Critical GBR QoS flow. If the maximum data burst volume value to be transmitted is lower than or equal to 4095 Bytes, the maxDataBurst Vol IE is used. If the EMDBV feature is supported by both the PCF and the SMF, the extMaxDataBurstVol IE is used to transmit maximum data burst volume values higher than 4095 Bytes."

extMaxDataBurstVol (int)

"Unsigned Integer. Indicates the maximum data burst volume.

Either the maxDataBurstVol IE or the extMaxDataBurstVol IE may be present for a Delay Critical GBR QoS flow. If the maximum data burst volume value to be transmitted is lower than or equal to 4095 Bytes, the maxDataBurst Vol IE is used. If the EMDBV feature is supported by both the PCF and the SMF, the extMaxDataBurstVol IE is used to transmit maximum data burst volume values higher than 4095 Bytes."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the QosCharacteristics UDR:

QosCharacteristics UDR

QosMonitoringData UDR

The QosMonitoringData UDR contains QoS monitoring related control information, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (int)

The ID of the QosMonitoringData UDR.

qmId (string)

"Univocally identifies the QoS monitoring policy data within a PDU session."

reqQosMonParams (list<string>)

"Indicates the UL packet delay, DL packet delay and/or round trip packet delay between the UE and the UPF is to be monitored when the QoS Monitoring for URLLC is enabled for the service data flow.

In this release of the specification the maximum number of elements in the array is 3."

repFreqs (list<string>)

"Indicates the frequency for the reporting, such as event triggered, periodic, when the PDU Session is released, and/or any combination."

repThreshDl (int)

"Unsigned integer identifying a threshold in units of milliseconds for DL packet delay. Only applicable when the "reqQosMonParams" attribute includes the "DOWNLINK" value and the "repFreqs" attribute includes the value "EVENT_TRIGGERED"."

repThreshUl (int)

"Unsigned integer identifying a threshold in units of milliseconds for UL packet delay. Only applicable when the "reqQosMonParams" attribute includes the "UPLINK" value and the "repFreqs" attribute includes the value "EVENT_TRIGGERED"."

repThreshRp (int)

"Unsigned integer identifying a threshold in units of milliseconds for round trip packet delay. Only applicable when the "reqQosMonParams" attribute includes the "ROUND_TRIP" value and the "repFreqs" attribute includes the value "EVENT_TRIGGERED"."

waitTime (long)

"Indicates the minimum waiting time between subsequent reports. Only applicable when the "repFreqs" attribute includes the value "EVENT_TRIGGERED"."

repPeriod (long)

"Indicates the reporting period. Only applicable when the "repFreqs" attribute includes the value "PERIODIC"."

notifUri (string)

"Notification address of AF receiving the event notification. It shall be included if the PCF determines that the notification shall be sent to the AF directly from the SMF."

notifCorreId (string)

"It is used to set the value of Notification Correlation ID in the notification sent by the SMF. It may be included if the PCF determines that the notification shall be sent to the AF directly from the SMF."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the QosMonitoringData UDR:

QosMonitoringData UDR

ConditionData UDR

The ConditionData UDR contains conditions for applicability of a rule, according to 3GPP specification TS 29.512 v. 16.8.0. Descriptions from this specification are in quotation marks.





ID (string)

The ID of the ConditionData UDR.

condId (string)

"Uniquely identifies the condition data within a PDU session."

activationTime (date)

"The time when the decision data shall be activated."

deactivationTime (date)

"The time when the decision data shall be deactivated."

accessType (string)

"The condition of access type of the UE when the session AMBR shall be enforced."

ratType (string)

"The condition of RAT type of the UE when the session AMBR shall be enforced."

Below is a screenshot of the UDR Assistance displaying the ConditionData UDR:

ConditionData UDR