IPDR SP Collection Agent for Realtime Workflows

Case IDInternal IDComponentPackage

MZ-33350IPDR SP Agent


In  there is now an IPDR SP agent available for real-time workflows.

The IPDR SP agent can process UDRs with Python in real-time by defining a consume block. It also uses an Interpreter profile that is used to configure the Python executable. If you have created several Interpreter profiles, you may also set which one you want to be the default one. If this is done, you will not have to select a profile in the agent configuration, as the default profile is used by default.

The IPDR SP (Internet Protocol Detail Record Streaming Protocol) agent is used to collect IP based service usage information, performance and usage measurement of cable modems and multimedia terminal adapters.

The IPDR SP agent also comes with an IPDR SP Template profile.

The profile allows the selection of the fields present in the DOCSIS 2.0 SAMIS, DOCSIS 3.0 SAMIS-TYPE-1 and DOCSIS 3.0 SAMIS-TYPE-2 specifications. This allows the IPDR SP agent to identify the format that the agent is receiving the data in.

For further information, see 9.45 IPDR SP Agent in the Desktop User's Guide.