SAP RFC agent now supports two phased commits

SAP RFC agent now supports two phased commits

Case IDInternal IDComponentPackage Name

MZ-31922SAP RFC Agent


SAP RFC agent is now capable of sending the BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT in a two phased commit scenario, to signal that it is safe to commit the changes to any related tables that the RFC is interfacing with. The UDR that is generated by the SAP RFC profile will now contain a boolean field known as isTwoPhaseCommit. When you set the value in this field to true, the SAP RFC agent will enable the two phased commit for the particular RFC. 


To make the isTwoPhaseCommit field appear in your UDR structure, you will need to regenerate the UDR from the SAP RFC profile and save it before it appears in the UDR.

For further information on the SAP RFC profile and SAP RFC Processor agent, see 9.69 SAP RFC Processor Agent in the Desktop User's Guide.

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