9.72.3 Siddhi Query Language

This section provides information on using Siddhi Query Language in the Siddhi Analytics agent.

For further information on Siddhi Query Language, see  http://wso2.github.io/siddhi/documentation/siddhi-4.0/.

Siddhi Extensions

The extensions that are included in  are the following:

  • math
  • string
  • unique

Working with UDRs

This section provides information on how to work with UDRs when using the Siddhi Analytics agent, providing examples in Siddhi Query Language.

Input UDRs

UDRs routed to the Siddhi Analytics agent are inserted into all compatible input streams and are either

  • Kept if the first attribute of the input stream is input object, or
  • Discarded

See the examples below.

Output UDRs

UDRs routed from the Siddhi Analytics agent are either

  • Newly created, or
  • Reused from the input stream if the first attribute selected is input.

See the examples below.

Updating UDRs

UDRs are updated if they are inserted into an output stream that is routed, otherwise they are passed along unchanged.


The following examples show how to work with UDRs in Siddhi Query Language.


The input UDR is kept and is output unchanged when its price is greater than 10.5.

define stream StockInputStream(input object, symbol string, price float);
from StockInputStream[price > 10.5]
select input
insert into StockOutputStream;


The input UDR is kept and its price is increased by 1 when its price is greater than 10.5.

define stream StockInputStream(input object, symbol string, price float);
from StockInputStream[price > 10.5]
select input, price + 1 as price
insert into StockOutputStream;


The input UDR is discarded and a newly created UDR is output when the price is greater than 10.5.

define stream StockInputStream(symbol string, price float);
from StockInputStream[price > 10.5]
select symbol, price
insert into StockOutputStream;