Copy of Notification Groups

Copy of Notification Groups

Notification Groups are recipient groups that will receive alerts related to stream events in the streams. For information on streams, see Streams. When a designated stream event occurs, you can select the notification group that receives the email alerts.

To avoid large amounts of emails being sent for the same stream event, there is a cool-down period of 30 minutes during which email sending is suspended. During this time, you will only receive one email for a specific stream event in a specific stream, even if the stream event occurs multiple times.  

Creating a Notification Group

To create your first notification group, click Notification Groups from the navigation panel on the left, then click the Create notification group button in in the Notification Groups view.

Create the first notification group.png
Notification Group view without a notification group

If there is already an existing notification group, you can view and access your notification groups from the Notification Groups view. The view shows information about the defined notification groups, such as the name of the group, description of the group, and the number of recipients in the group.

In the Notification Groups view, you can create, delete, or edit notification groups.

  • To create a new notification group, click Create notification group. You are prompted to enter the name and description of the group, and one or more recipient email addresses.

Editing or Deleting a Notification Group

In the Notification Groups view, you can navigate between the current notification groups.

  • Click Edit to edit the name, description, and email recipients of a notification group.

  • Click Delete  to delete a notification group. The delete option permanently removes the notification group and removes the group from any streams. 

Using Stream Notification

In the Streams View, click on the More pull-down menu and select Set Notifications. For more information, see Streams View.

In the Send email when pop-up, check the stream event you want to monitor and select the notification group to inform by email. Click Apply to activate the notification.


There are several checkboxes that can be set to send the desired notifications. 

Event Type


Event Type


no file is found

A notification will be sent when there are no files found in the current stream.

stream fails

A notification will be sent when the stream fails to execute.

stream is successful

A notification will be sent when the stream has completed running successfully.

error arrives in data correction

A notification will be sent whenever there is a new error in Data Correction. Refer to Data Correction for more information.