You open the HTTPD agent configuration dialog from a workflow configuration: you can right-click the agent icon and select Configuration..., or double-click the agent icon.


HTTPD collection agent configuration dialog - HTTPD tab



If enabled, the communication channels will be encrypted.

You must select this option for the Enable 2-way Authentication option to be made available.

Use Key Profile

If enabled, configures the keystore and password using an Encryption Key Profile.

Key Profile

You can click the Browse button to open the Configuration Selection dialog box from where any existing profile can be selected.


A keystore file containing the server certificate to be used with SSL.

Enter the keystore file name, which is available in any bundle through the code server. Use this option, if the disks on the execution host normally cannot be reached for updates.


The password for the keystore file.

Enable 2-way Authentication

If enabled, two-way authentication is enabled for the communication channels.

To use the default Java truststore, select this option, but leave the Truststore and Password fields empty.


If you want to use a specific truststore:

Enter the truststore file name, which is available in any bundle through the code server. Use this option, if the disks on the execution host normally cannot be reached for updates.

If you want to use the default Java truststore, leave this field empty.


The password for the selected trust store file.

You must populate this field if you want to use a specific truststore.

If you want to use the default Java truststore, leave this field empty.

Local Address

The local address that the server will bind to. If the field is left empty, the server will bind to the default address.


The port the server will listen to. Default port for non-encrypted communication is 80 and for encrypted 443.

TransportSelect the transport protocol that you prefer for the best performance, Netty3 or Netty4. If you select Netty3, Netty version 3 is used. If you select Netty4, Netty version 4 is used.

Content Type

The UDR Type, extended HttpdUDR, the collector will emit. For an example, see 9.43.3 The HTTPD UDR Type.

Client Timeout (sec)

Number of seconds a client can be idle while sending the request, before the connection is closed. If the timeout is set to 0 (zero) no timeout will occur. This is not recommended. Default value is 10.

Server Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before the server closes a request and a 500 Server Error is sent back to the client. If the timeout is set to 0 (zero) no timeout will occur. Default value is 0.

Character Encoding

List of encoding options to use for handling of responses.

GZIP Compression LevelRegulates compression data size. Valid levels are from 1-9, where 9 is slowest but provides optimal compression. 

If the keystore or truststore that you selected is updated (i e, certificates are removed or added), you must restart the agent for the changes to take effect.

9.43.3 The HTTPD UDR Type