The following new functionality has been added in this release:
For information about system requirements, see System Requirements - Private Cloud(3.0), System Requirements - AWS(3.0), and System Requirements - OpenShift(3.0), depending on which deployment type you want to use.
Configurations can be imported from MediationZone 8.x, but since there are different agent sets in the two products, a black box agent will replace any agents not available in your workflows, allowing you to retain your routes and other workflow configurations, see /wiki/spaces/UEPE3D/pages/1901044 for more information.
Other important information is:
See Important Information (3.0) for full details
And the following are known issues:
See Known Issues (3.0) for full details.
For instructions on how to install, uppgrade and downgrade, refer to Installation Instructions(3.0), Upgrade/Downgrade/Removal(3.0).