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In MediationZone 9.1, there are the following known issues:

Installation issues

Installation isn't possible if MZ_HOME path contains a folder name with spaces

If the MZ_HOME path contains and spaces the installation will fail. Please ensure the MZ_HOME doesn't contain any spaces prior to installing.

Installation reported as successful even if the platform fails to start

In some circumstances during installation the installer may report as successful when the platform has not started.

If System Insight is enabled (property "mz.system.insight" is set) in MZ 8.x, upgrade fails

If System Insight is enabled in the MZ 8.x installation, that is, if the property “mz.system.insight” is set, then upgrade to MZ 9.0 will fail. The system will not start up since the System Insight packages are no longer available.

The issue is fixed in MZ From this version the property has no effect in the MZ 9 system.

Warning messages displayed during installation

When the user performs “ prepare”, a warning message “setSecurityManager will be removed in a future release" is displayed. This does not impact functionality of MZ 9 installation and will be handled in future versions of MZ.

User Interface issues

New desktop issues

Database Agent Assignment Tab Value Are Not Cleared

When Value Type is set to "To UDR" or "NULL", the Value column are not cleared.

Database Agent MIM Browser Need To Click Twice To Close It

The MIM browser open from database agent, need to close it by hitting twice on cancel button or the X button to close it.

External Reference Profile Datalist Can Be Altered in Read-Only Mode

When certain procedures are made, it is possible to alter the data list found in the external reference profile while the read-only mode is used. This causes a system-wide DRRCPException to be thrown.

GCP Storage Profile Uncheck Uses GCP Profile Radio Button Unchecked

When open a profile with Use GCP Profile checked has incorrect setting of the disabled Input Option radio buttons, non is selected.

Login Web UI Will Go To Last Page That Last User Accessed 

User A log out from web UI, and User B login, it will automatically go to the page last accessed by User A. [Vaadin] GCP Storage Profile Uncheck Uses GCP Profile Radio Button Unchecked

Integer field validation can be broken

Inputing integer values outside of the expected range can break the validation in the UI.

Type Assigned indication not shown in MIM browser

This can be viewed in the Legacy desktop if required.

Debug output in the Workflow Monitor maybe come corrupt

If the load becomes too great on the debug window the output may become corrupt and un-readable. The running of the workflow is not affected.

Aggregation Session Inspector returns an internal error if input file is corrupt

If the file is corrupt only an internal error is returned with no explanation.

New profile becomes read only on save

When creating a new profile as soon as it is saved it becomes read only. The user needs to click the edit button in order to continue editing.

Aggregation Inspector pagination fails on very large files

With particularly large files the Aggregation Inspector will not scroll through all results. Users will need to use the Legacy Desktop in these cases.

Refresh button in the Database Agent doesn't function correctly

When clicking the refresh button the table name is not refreshed correctly.

Idle timeout only warns the user once

Inactive users will be logged out after a configurable period, following a warning to that effect. If a user is active after the warning they won't be logged out, but if they are inactive again then they will be logged out with no warning. 

Cannot login to multiple platforms

It is not currently possible to login to multiple separate platforms using the new UI in one browser. Users can use different browsers, incognito modes or the Legacy Desktop if this is required.

"Database Type" Displays Blank when Switching Between Default/Adv Connection Setup

Switching between Default and Adv Connection Setup can result in there being no data in the fields.

Data Veracity Repair jobs show on one line

When viewing the repair jobs in the new UI they are displayed on one line which is hard to read.

Data Veracity Profile generate SQL pop up is small

The pop up for SQL generation is very small and difficult to use.

Null Pointer Exception when updating password with enhanced security enabled on the new desktop

When you install the Platform with the following properties set to true:



When logging in for the first time, a prompt to update the password will occur. When logging in for the first time on the new desktop, attempting to update the password will lead to a Null Pointer Exception. It is recommended to log onto the legacy desktop first to update the password for the account first before logging into the new desktop.

Accessibility Issues

The new web-native desktop aims to be fully accessible, but there are currently some outstanding issues regarding this. These include:

  • In some interfaces, the keyboard navigation doesn't follow the ideal order or convention

  • Some icons have unnecessary alt text

  • Some checkboxes are not correctly labelled

  • Failure messages, for example on failed login, don't have clear enough contrast

  • Page loading is not announced correctly

  • Some minor elements are not read correctly by screen readers

  • Keyboard navigation may not be able to get to sub-menu items of some table menu items that have several levels of sub menus

Code Editor Issues

The code editor in the new web-native desktop provides code completion and syntax highlighting there are some known issues with syntax highlighting not being correct, it is not possible to add tabs to code and code completion cannot be activated on a Mac if multiple keyboard layouts are enabled.

Code Completion Keyboard Shortcut Not Working When Using Built-in Mac Keyboard Layout Switcher

When attempting to use the code completion function in agents or profiles, for example, the Analysis agent, the built-in keyboard shortcut of Command + Space on a Mac computer will not trigger the code completion dialog box. 

Known differences between desktops

There are some known, minor issues with differences between the two desktops.

Legacy desktop issues

In the legacy desktop an exception can occur when first logging in to the platform. Re-trying the login fixes this and it doesn't recur

Logging issues

When logging out of the legacy desktop desktop_current.log has unnecessary logs added

Workflow packages are creating unnecessary logs in platform.log

Import/Export issues

When importing configurations including the Open API profile the 'Custom Specification' checkbox becomes unchecked

This needs to be manually corrected to enable the workflows to run correctly.

When importing a workflow that runs on a specific EC group the workflow will not automatically be assigned to that group

This needs to be manually corrected.

Data Veracity issues

Unable To Search Newly Added Records By 'update_user' In Data Veracity

When a new record is added to the Data Veracity table, the update_user column is set to null. The query operators such as "contains/doesn't contain" require at least an empty string("") value to be able to filter out the result.

Operator '==' Is Not Supported For Data Veracity Search For BitSet Data Types

When using Data Veracity Search & Repair function, the exact match operator '==' is not supported for the bitset data type.

Data Veracity Search Filtering For Some Fields Are Case-Sensitive

The filtering for the source_node and message fields in the Data Veracity Search & Repair table are case-sensitive.

Changes Made To Existing Saved Filters In Data Veracity Search & Repair Cannot Be Saved

If you have an existing saved filter for Data Veracity Search & Repair function, loading the saved filter and then making changes to its filter properties do not allow you the option to save and overwrite the saved filter.

Data Veracity Filter's Full Query Is Not Available In Web Native UI

The full filter query for Data Veracity is not available for viewing in the web ui. A partial display of the query can be seen at the filter listing under Data Veracity > Filter listing.

Data Veracity Search & Repair Table Listing's Sorting Does Not Work

The sorting function for the Data Veracity Search & Repair table listing is not working.

Adding an Empty Query Group With a Parent Condition in Data Veracity Search & Repair Filter Will Result In An Error

Attempting to add an empty query group with a parent condition will cause an error to be thrown upon clicking OK. A sample of the query setup is shown below.

Importing Old Data Veracity Collection Agent Workflow Configurations Returned Validation Errors

If you have an old Data Veracity Collection Agent Workflow configuration from version 8.x, it is possible that validation errors about invalid Analysis Agents may occur.

Example error during import:

The following agents returned validation errors.

is_1 is invalid.
The UDR type DataVeracityUDR (DataVeracity) doesn't exist

Example error when viewing the invalid workflow Analysis Agent configuration:

Error: Failed to set UDR Types
Message: Unable to create UDR type description from DataVeracityUDR (DataVeracity).

To resolve this, you will need to re-add the Data Veracity UDR for Analysis Agent input UDR Types or use the Set To

Input button if applicable. After adding the appropriate Analysis UDR Types, save the workflow configuration.

Data Veracity Restricted Field Displayed Un-related Field When Enable Datatype

In Data Veracity Restricted Fields page, when we create New Restricted Fields, enable Datatype and select Map from the dropdown list, you would find that subsubUDR which is not related is displayed.

Data Veracity Filter Query Column Displays ID With Decimal

In the Data Veracity Filter page, when we have a filter that is saved with an ID field, a decimal value will be displayed in the filter result list Query column.

Example: ID > 2.0

Data Veracity Repair Jobs Start Date and End Date Are Not Following Standard DateTime Format

Repair Jobs Start Datetime and End Datetime are currently not displaying format YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Data Veracity Filter Are Not Refresh Automatically

The Filter page is not always the latest, after creating a new Filter from the Data Veracity Search page, you may need to click the Refresh button to view it.

Data Veracity Filter Datetime Format Are Not Following Standard Format

In the Data Veracity Search page, the result list displays format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

In the Data Veracity Filter page, when we construct a Filter query, and select any Datetime field, the displays format is dd/mm/yyyy.

System Import Data Veracity Profile That Pointing To Oracle Database Sometimes Hang 

Before we create Data Veracity tables in the Oracle database, the system import Data Veracity profile might cause the import process to hang.

User With Execute Only Permission Still Can Do Everything in Data Veracity Error Code/Approve Delete/Restricted Fields

Currently, the user's access group that has given Execute Only permission on the below settings in Access Controller can do everything on the mentioned page:

  • Data Veracity Error Code

  • Data Veracity Approve Delete

  • Data Veracity Restricted Fields

User Given Execute Only Permission On Data Veracity Profile Is Unable To Select Data Veracity Profile To Search

In the Data Veracity Search page, the user gets a "Data Veracity Profile not found" error when selecting a Data Veracity Profile that set permission Execute Group to the user's access group. 

Data Veracity Repair Jobs are Showing Platform Timezone

In Data Veracity Repair Jobs page, Start Date and End Date are still displaying according to Platform Timezone now instead of Client timezone.

Incorrect Validation Message When Select A Database Profile With Execute Permission

When user new Data Veracity Profile and select a Database Profile that user only given Execute permission, the validation message prompted Unable to retrieve Database Profile.

Data Veracity View UDR Are Showing Platform Timezone

Date time in View UDR page that we launch from Data Veracity Search or Data Veracity Approve Delete are showing platform timezone instead of client timezone.

Data Veracity Exported MIM Values Showing Platform Timezone

Currently the exported MIM Values in CSV from Data Veracity are displaying platform timezone instead of client timezone.

Data Veracity New Restricted Fields that was Used for an Existing Repair Rule Not Disabled

If setting a new restricted field that was used in a previously created Repair Rule, it is expected that the rule on the said field should gray out when viewing the saved Repair Rule and ignored when applying repair tasks. However, the rule on the said field still appears to be editable in the old Saved Repair Rule.

Data Veracity Execute permission is unable to view records in Data Veracity Repair Rules and Data Veracity Restricted Fields

When users click on the Data Veracity Repair Rules, no response is available, while clicking on the Data Veracity Restricted Fields will prompt an error.

Other issues

Error Thrown When SAPCC Agent Not Added With Any Host

In the SAP CC Batch agent, do not add any host, click the Save As button, and you will find the error shown below: 

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.matches(String)" because "hosts" is null

Inappropriate Validation Handling On Workflow Group Scheduling

In Workflow Group Scheduling, when adding a duplicate execution day plan, it prompts the wrong validation message content and if the user continues to save, scheduling data will be wiped off.

GCP PubSub Profile Throws Improper Validation Error Message

When selecting a GCP Profile in a new GCP PubSub Profile config, the program package name is prompted at the validation error message window. 

Database Profile Validation Message

The Database Profile validation message did not explicitly mention which field cause the validation error.

Database Forwarding Agent Validation Message

In Database Forwarding Agent, when we have a field NULL/To UDR, the validation message that prompted is not properly describe the problem.

HTTP APL Functions Provide Default Keystore

HTTP APL functions provide a default keystore which is unusable, user needs to add the keystore manually with the property https.apl.keystore_location

Same Naming in Workflow Packages With Different Case Can Cause Platform Stability Issues

When workflow packages with the same names and different characters cases are handled by the platform, this can cause serious issues for the platform. It has been detected that this will cause exceptions to the log files from the resulting resources handling.

Applying SQL INSERT operation with Database Agent for Oracle Database

Performance of SQL INSERT operation may be slower using the JDBC 19c driver (ojdbc8.jar) than when using the JDBC driver (ojdbc7.jar).

5G Profile Not Backward Compatible

Users may encounter validation errors during data import from version 8.x. This results in missing configurations in the 5G Profile and workflow, and users are required to reconfigure the 5G related settings.

Invalid SQL Forwarder Workflow Without "Commit Window Size" Setting

SQL Forwarder workflow without the "Commit Window Size" being set will encounter validation error during import.

mzsh topo show pico-view doesn't show full information

The mzsh topo show pico-view doesn't show the pico names in the output. Picos can be viewed in the desktops

Installer accepts that the install command is executed even if the create command has not been executed

The installer doesn't fail with an appropriate message if the create command has not been executed prior to the install command being run. 

External References can be removed when a workflow is dependent on it

External references of the type Database Properties can be removed even if they are in use. Any workflows using these references will become invalid.

Conditional Trace allows negative values 

The validation is failing such that negative values are allowed where they shouldn't be. Users should not input negative values.

Event Notification - StackOverflowError on events with big text contents

When using a regex expression in event notification if the regex is very broad and it attempts to match within a very large text event the thread will fail and a stack overflow error will be put in the system log. 

ClassCastException after re-import WF configuration table

Invalid JMS Collector Workflow Without "Client ID" Set for Durable Subscription

JMS Collector workflow with Durable Subscription enabled but without a unique Client ID set, might encounter validation error during import.

Missing <Agent> - 5G <Field> Parameters in Workflow Table and Workflow Instance Table

The HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G - 5G Profile, HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G - Primary NRF Address, and HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G - Secondary NRF Addresses parameters in version 8.3.2.X are missing from the Workflow Table and workflow instance table when upgrading from version onwards to MediationZone 9.

The '<agent> - 5G - <field>' parameters in version 8.3.2.X

This is because the three parameters are classified under a different sub-category, the '5G Support' as HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G Support - 5G Profile, HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G Support - NRF Address, and HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G Support - Secondary NRF Address

The '<agent> - 5G Support - <field>' parameters in MediationZone 9

If the existing workflow contains these parameters from the older version, users are required to configure them under the new '5G Support' sub-category.

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