Extended Support is available when the Software version in production has, as per Release and Support Lifecycle MediationZone, passed its end of Regular Support date, or as otherwise agreed upon with the Customer in a specific support agreement.
Extended Supportmust be agreed upon in writing between the Customer and DigitalRoute. In Extended Support, only Software workarounds and bug fixes for the highest severity level defined in the SLA are done (i.e. Critical in the Regular Support). For all other severity levels, the SLA is no longer applicable (i.e.voided) andno workarounds are provided and bug fixes are done in newer versions of theSoftware.The Extended Support furtherexcludes bug fixes or workarounds, regardless of the severity level,in anythird-party products included in the Software.
Sustained Support is available when the Software version in production has, as per Release and Support Lifecycle MediationZone, passed its end of Extended Support. Sustained Support must be agreed upon in writing between the Customer and DigitalRoute. This support excludes any commitments on the SLA, i.e. workarounds are not providedand all bugsfixes will be fixed in the newest Software version.The Sustained Support further excludes bug fixes or workarounds, regardless of the severity level,in any third-party products included in the Software.