The system collects statistics from the different machines hosting a Platform or Execution Context, e.g. the load of the CPU or the number of context switches. This is called host statistics.
UNIX command to collect the information. This binary must be installed to have statistics collected and to perform load-balancing work for workflows. The following list holds all values collected from each host. On newer operating systems, some of these may not be available for collection due to changes in the kernel of the operation system.
7.3 Workflow Monitoring/wiki/spaces/temp/pages/23282159.
uses Java Management Extensions (JMX) to monitor MIM tree attributes in running workflows. For more information, refer toViewing the System Statistics
To search, either click the Search button, or click the Edit menu and select the Search... option button to open the Search System Statistics dialog.
In System Statistics, click the File menu and select Export.
The Save dialog opens.
Browse to the directory where you want to save the file. Enter a file name and click Save.
The statistical information for the selected time period is saved in *.zip format.
Tip title Hint! The export functionality can also be used to save statistics on a regular basis, e.g. every month or every year, to use for comparison with current statistics.
In System Statistics, click the File menu and select Import.
The Open dialog opens.
Browse to the directory where the *.zip file you want to import is located. Select the file and click Open.
The statistical information is now displayed in System Statistics. The same search criteria that were set in the Search System Statistics dialog when the statistics were exported is displayed.
The date information at the top of the dialog displays the time interval for the imported statistics, and the text "Imported Statistics" also appears in red beside the date information.