This is the Data Protection Privacy (DPP) guide for MediationZone. This document is designed to assist you , in understanding and implementing the necessary data protection measures when configuring personal data processing within the MediationZone platform.
As you implement the configurations and workflows necessary for your projects, this guide will serve as a resource for best practices and effective efficient data management strategies within MediationZone.
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Data Protection
Enabling Agents in MediationZone
You can use two different agents for data protection in MediationZone; Data Masking and Encryption.
Data Masking Agent
MediationZone offers data masking capabilities through its Data Masking Agentagent, ensuring that sensitive personal data is protected in compliance with data protection regulations. This With this agent facilitates you can both masking and unmasking of specified mask and unmask specific fields within User Data Records (UDRs), providing flexibility for batch and real-time data processing workflows.
Key Features:
Masking Methods: The Data Masking Agent utilizes a profileProfile-based approach, allowing providing you with a selection of specific methods for masking—Cryptomasking; Crypto, Database, or Hash. Each method is tailored to different operational needs and compliance requirements. Supported databases for the Database masking method include Oracle, Postgres, and SAP HANA.
Encryption and Decryption: Offers strong Strong encryption and decryption capabilities using AES-128 and AES-256 standards.
Key Management: Secure management of encryption keys through a JCEKS keystore.
Data Transformation: Ability to transform input data into random data using SHA-256 hashing.
Profile Management: Supports the use of Support for multiple profiles within the agent, enabling different configurations for various data handling requirements.
Error Handling and Logging: Comprehensive error Error handling and detailed logging mechanisms to track operations and troubleshoot issues effectively.
For more detailed information on each feature functionality and configuration steps, please refer to see the Data Masking Agent section in the MediationZone documentation.
Encryption Agent
MediationZone offers encryption capabilities through its Encryption Agentagent. This feature functionality is crucial for protection of data in transit and at rest.
CapabilitiesKey Features:
Encryption standards: Implements Support for AES-128 and AES-256 encryption methods.
Key management: Encryption keys can be managed using the Secure management of encryption keys through a JCEKS keystore or an external keystore.
Data transformation: Employs SHA-256 hashing to anonymise data.
Detailed configurational guidelines are available in For more information on functionality and configuration, see the Encryption Agent section of in the InfoZone MediationZone documentation.
Guidelines for DPP compliance in workflows
MediationZone provides a suite of agents and profiles that enable customers you to store data temporary temporarily or permanently. These can be used for integrating data protection standards into their your workflows. Understanding how to leverage these agents effectively efficiently is crucial for maintaining compliance.
In the following sections, we describe the different agents and profiles that are typically used for storing data and the interactions that can be used guidelines for using them in a DPP context.
Archiving Agent, Profile and Inspector
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| Archiving Agent
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The Archiving agent provides comprehensive data management capabilities. These agents This agent, profile and inspector support both archival and retrieval processes.
Access For more information by visiting on functionality and configuration, see the Archiving section in the InfoZone documentationMediationZone software description. |
Archiving Agent provides comprehensive data management capabilities. These agents support both archival and retrieval processes.
Looking up Archived Data: Customers can use the Archive Inspector tool to look up Archived files. This tool is accessible through the Execution Manager and provides advanced search functionality that allows users to search for files within specified periods.
Deleting Archived Data: The Archive Cleaner task is responsible for the automated deletion of outdated archives based on the purge criteria set within the Archive profile. Customers can manually trigger cleanup processes to ensure that data does not exceed its intended retention period.
Access more information by visiting Archiving section in the InfoZone documentation.
Amazon S3 Forwarding Agents
Amazon S3 Forwarding Agent
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The Amazon S3 forwarding agent provides capabilities to write data to S3. For best practices around data security |
and encryption, |
see the Amazon S3 documentation. |
Data Veracity Forwarding Agent
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See the specific documentation provided by each database platform provider. Implement encryption and secure data handling practices as recommended:
For more information on functionality and configuration, see the Data Veracity section in the |
MediationZone documentation. |
Error Correction System
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For more information |
on functionality, see th Error Correction System section in the |
MediationZone documentation. |
SQL Forwarding & Processing
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For more information |
on functionality and configuration, see the SQL Agents section in the |
MediationZone documentation.. |
Disk Forwarding Agent
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For more information |
on functionality and configuration, see the Disk Forwarding Agent - Batch section in the |
MediationZone documentation. |
Database Forwarding Agent
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For more information on functionality and configuration, see the Database Forwarding Agent section in the |
MediationZone documentation. |
Batch-Based Real-Time Agents
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For more information |
on functionality and configuration, see the Batch-Based Real-Time Agents section in the |
MediationZone documentation. |