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For details of the configuration of the agents, see the relevant section in the Desktop User's Guide: Disk Collection Agent Configuration - Batch

9.1718.2.2.21 1 Disk Forwarding Agent Configuration - Batch

9.3130.1.1 FTP Collection Agent Configuration FTP Forwarding Agent Configuration



List of the decoders available for selection.

The decoders are named according to the following syntax:
<decoder> (<module>)

The option MZ Format Tagged UDRs indicates that the expected UDRs are stored in one of the built-in formatsin formats. If the compressed format is used, the decoder will automatically detect this.

Select this option to make the Tagged UDR Type list accessible for configuration. If you select this option, the Tagged UDR Type list is enabled.

Tagged UDR Type

List of available internal UDR formats stored in the Ultra and Code servers. The formats are named according to the following syntax:

<internal> (<module>)

If the decoder is to reprocess UDRs of an internal format, you must select the Decoder MZ format tagged UDRs to enable this list. Once enabled, you can select the internal format.

Full Decode

If you select this check box, the UDR is fully decoded before it is inserted into the workflow. This may have a negative impact on performance since all fields may not be accessed in the workflow, making decoding of all fields unnecessary.

If disabled (default), the amount of work required for decoding is minimized, using a "lazy" method of decoding sub fields. This means the actual decoding work may not be done until later in the workflow, when the field values are accessed for the first time.

Corrupt data (that is, data for which decoding fails) might not be detected during the decoding stage and may cause the UDR to be discarded at a later processing stage.




When the file size has reached the number of bytes entered in this field, the file will be closed as soon as the current bytearray has been included, and stored in the storage directory. This means that the file size may actually be larger than the set value since will the system will not cut off any bytearrays. If nothing is entered, this file closing criteria will not be used.

Volume (UDRs)

When the file contains the number of UDRs entered in this field, the file will be closed and stored in the storage directory. If nothing is entered, this file closing criteria will not be used.

Timer (sec)

When the file has been open for the number of seconds entered in this field, the file will be closed and stored in the storage directory. If nothing is entered, this file closing criteria will not be used.

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