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Collection Strategy

If there are more than one collection strategy available in the system, a Collection Strategy drop down list will also be visible. For further information about the nature of the collection strategy, see 11. Appendix 4 - Collection Strategies.


Absolute pathname of the source directory on the remote host, where the source files reside. If the FTP server is of UNIX type, the path name might also be given relative to the home directory of the User Name account.

Include Subfolders

Select this check box if you have subfolders in the source directory from which you want files to be collected.


Subfolders that are in the form of a link are not supported.

If you select Enable Sort Order in the Sort Order tab, the sort order selected will also apply to subfolders.


Name of the source files on the remote host. Regular expressions according to Java syntax applies. For further information, see


To match all file names beginning with  TTFILE , type:  TTFILE.*


When collecting files from VAX file systems, the names of the source files include both path and filename, which has to be considered when entering the regular expression.


Compression type of the source files. Determines if the agent will decompress the files before passing them on in the workflow.

  • No Compression - the agent will  not  decompress the files.

  • Gzip - the agent will decompress the files using gzip.

Move to Temporary Directory

If enabled, the source files will be moved to the automatically created subdirectory DR_TMP_DIR in the source directory, before collection. This option supports safe collection when source files repeatedly uses the same name.

Append Suffix to Filename

Enter the suffix that you want added to the file name prior to collecting it.


Before you execute your workflow, make sure that none of the file names in the collection directory include this suffix.

Inactive Source Warning (h)

If enabled, when the configured number of hours have passed without any file being available for collection, a warning message (event) will appear in the System Log and Event Area:

The source has been idle for more than <n> hours, the last
inserted file is <file>.

Move to

If enabled, the source files will be moved from the source directory (or from the directory DR_TMP_DIR if using Move Before Collecting), to the directory specified in the Destination field, after collection.


The Directory has to be located in the same file system as the collected files at the remote host. Also, absolute pathnames must be defined (relative pathnames cannot be used).

If a file with the same filename, but with a different content, already exists in the target directory, the workflow will abort.

If a file with the same file name, AND the same content, already exists in the target directory, this file will be overwritten and the workflow will not abort.


If enabled, the source files will be renamed after the collection, and remain (or moved back from the directory DR_TMP_DIR if using Move Before Collecting) in the source directory from which they were collected.


When the  File System Type  for VAX/VMS is selected, some issues must be considered. If a file is renamed after collection on a VAX/VMS system, the filename might become too long. In that case the following rules will apply:

A VAX/VMS filename consists of <file name>.<extension>;<version>, where the maximum number of characters for each part is:

  • <file name>: 39 characters

  • <extension>: 39 characters

  • <version>: 5 characters

If the new filename turns out to be longer than 39 characters, the agent will move part of the filename to the extension part. If the total sum of the filename and extension part exceeds 78 characters, the last characters are truncated from the extension.

  An example:


  will be converted to:



Creating a new file on the FTP server with the same file name as the original file, but with another content, will cause the workflow to abort.

Creating a new file with the same file name AND the same content as the original file, will cause the file to be overwritten.


If enabled, the source files will be removed from the source directory (or from the directory DR_TMP_DIR, if using Move Before Collecting), after the collection.


If enabled, the source files will remain in the source directory after the collection. This field is  not  available if Move Before Collecting is enabled.


Full pathname of the directory on the remote host into which the source files will be moved after the collection. This field is only available if Move to is enabled.

Prefix and Suffix

Prefix and/or suffix that will be appended to the beginning and the end of the name of the source files, respectively, after the collection. These fields are only available if Move to or Rename is enabled.


If  Rename  is enabled, the source files will be renamed in the current (source or  DR_TMP_DIR ) directory. Be sure not to assign a  Prefix  or  Suffix , giving files new names still matching the  Filename  regular expression. That will cause the files to be collected over and over again.

Search and Replace

Select either Move to or Rename option to enable Search and Replace.

  • Search: Enter the part of the filename that you want to replace.

  • Replace: Enter the replacement text.

Search and Replace operate on your entries in a way that is similar to the Unix  sed  utility. The identified filenames are modified and forwarded to the following agent in the workflow.

This functionality enables you to perform advanced filename modifications, as well:

  • Use regular expression in the Search entry to specify the part of the filename that you want to extract.


    A regular expression that fails to match the original file name will abort the workflow.

  • Enter Replace with characters and meta characters that define the pattern and content of the replacement text.

titleSearch and Replace Examples

To rename the file to file1.old, use:

  • Replace.old

To rename the file JAN2011_file to file_DONE, use:

  • Search([A-Z]*[0-9]*)_([a-z]*)
  • Replace$2_DONE

Note that the search value divides the file name into two parts by using parentheses. The replace value applies to the second part by using the place holder $2.

Keep (days)

Number of days to keep moved or renamed source files on the remote host after the collection. In order to delete the source files, the workflow has to be executed (scheduled or manually) again, after the configured number of days.


A date tag is added to the filename, determining when the file may be removed. This field is only available if  Move to  or  Rename  is enabled.

Route FileReferenceUDRSelect this check box if you want to forward the data to an SQL Loader agent. See the description of the SQL Loader agent in 9.75 76 SQL Loader Agent for further information.

Advanced Tab 



Command Port

The value in this field defines which port number the FTP service will use on the remote host.

Timeout (s)

The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for response from the server. 0 (zero) means to wait forever.

Passive Mode (PASV)

Must be enabled if FTP passive mode is used for data connection.

In passive mode, the channel for data transfer between client and server is initiated by the client instead of by the server. This is useful when a firewall is situated between the client and the server.

Disable File Detail Parsing

Disables parsing of file detail information received from the FTP server. This enhances the compatibility with unusual FTP servers but disables some functionality.

If file detail parsing is disabled, file modification timestamps will not be available to the collector. The collector does not have the ability to distinguish between directories and simple files, sub directories in the input directory must for that reason  not  match the filename regular expression. The agent assumes that a file named DR_TMP_DIR is a directory because a directory named DR_TMP_DIR is used when Move to Temporary Directory under the Source tab is activated. Therefore, it is not allowed to name a regular file in the collection directory DR_TMP_DIR.


When collecting files from a VAX file system, this option has to be enabled.

Additional Hosts

List of additional host names or IP addresses that may be used to access the source directory, from which the source files are collected. These hosts are tried, in sequence from top to bottom, if the agent fails to connect to the remote host, set in the Connection tab.

Use the AddEditRemoveMove up and Move down buttons to configure the order of the hosts in the list.

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