The section describes how to resolve hostnames that are associated with pico instances in a high-availability deployment. For a description of the high availability properties that are used by the HA Monitor Server, see 2.6.6 High Availability Properties.
On a Platform Container host, the hostname specified in this property must resolve to:
Virtual The virtual IP address of Platform node
Local The local IP address of Platform node in an OpenStack environment
Local The local IP address of Platform node in an Amazon Web Services environment
On an Execution Container host, the hostname specified in this property must resolve to:
Virtual The virtual IP address of Platform node
Floating The floating IP address of Platform node in an OpenStack environment
Elastic The elastic IP address of Platform node in an Amazon Web Services environment
The Platform hostname must be static.
On a Platform Container host, the hostname specified in this property must resolve to:
Virtual The virtual IP address of the Platform node
Local The local IP address of the Platform node in an OpenStack environment
Local The local IP address of the Platform node in an Amazon Web Services environment
The Platform hostname must be static
On an Execution Container host, the hostname specified in this property must resolve to:
Virtual The virtual IP address of pico the Pico node
Local The local IP address of pico the Pico node in an OpenStack environment
Local The local IP address of pico the Pico node in an Amazon Web Services environment