Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

When the agent is set to use MultiForwardingUDR input, it accepts input of the UDR type MultiForwardingUDR declared in the package FNT. The declaration follows:

Code Block
internal MultiForwardingUDR { 
// Entire file content 
    byte[] content; 
// Target filename and directory 
    FNTUDR fntSpecification; 


When the files are received they are written to temp files in the DR_TMP_DIR directory situated in the root output folder. The files are moved to their final destination when an end batch message is received. A runtime error will occur if any of the fields have a null value or if the path is invalid on the target file system.

A UDR of the type MultiForwardingUDR which has a target filename that is not identical to its precedent is saved in a new output file.



After a target filename that is not identical to its precedent is saved, you cannot use the first filename again. For example: Saving filename B after saving filename A, prevents you from using A again. Instead, you should first save all the A filenames, then all the B filenames, and so forth.

Archiving Example


Example - Archiving

This example shows the APL code used in an Analysis agent connected to a forwarding agent expecting input of type MultiForwardingUDRs. In this example, the data is being buffered in the consume block. This makes it possible to route a complete batch to multiple files from the drain block. Note that the execution context needs available memory to buffer the whole file.

Code Block
import ultra.FNT;

bytearray data;

MultiForwardingUDR createMultiForwardingUDR
        (string dir, string file, bytearray fileContent) {
    //Create the FNTUDR
    FNTUDR fntudr = udrCreate(FNTUDR);
    fntAddString(fntudr, dir);
    fntAddDirDelimiter(fntudr);//Add a directory
    fntAddString(fntudr, file);//Add a file

    MultiForwardingUDR multiForwardingUDR =
    multiForwardingUDR.fntSpecification = fntudr;
    multiForwardingUDR.content = fileContent;

    return multiForwardingUDR;

beginBatch {
    data = baCreate(0);

consume {
    data = baAppend(data, input);

drain {
    //Send MultiForwardingUDRs to the forwarding agent
    udrRoute(createMultiForwardingUDR("dir1", "file1", data));
    udrRoute(createMultiForwardingUDR("dir2", "file2", data));

Local Archiving Example


Example - Local Archiving

This example shows the APL code used in an Analysis agent connected to a forwarding agent expecting input of type MultiForwardingUDRs.

Code Block
import ultra.FNT;

MultiForwardingUDR createMultiForwardingUDR
(string dir, string file, bytearray fileContent){

    //Create the FNTUDR
    FNTUDR fntudr = udrCreate(FNTUDR);
    fntAddString(fntudr, dir);
    fntAddDirDelimiter(fntudr);//Add a directory
    fntAddString(fntudr, file);//Add a file

    MultiForwardingUDR multiForwardingUDR =
    multiForwardingUDR.fntSpecification = fntudr;
    multiForwardingUDR.content = fileContent;

    return multiForwardingUDR;

consume {

    bytearray file1Content;
    strToBA (file1Content, "file nr 1 content");

    bytearray file2Content;
    strToBA (file2Content, "file nr 2 content");

    //Send MultiForwardingUDRs to the forwarding agent
    ("dir1", "file1", file1Content));
    ("dir2", "file2", file2Content));

The Analysis agent mentioned previous in the example will send two MultiForwardingUDRs to the forwarding agent. Two files with different contents will be placed in two separate sub folders in the root directory.
