Versions Compared


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With the System Exporter, you can export data from your system into a ZIP file, a specific directory, or an MZ Package (MZP) file. The export contains data about your system's data, its configurations, and run-time information. You can send this export data to another system, where you can use the System Importer to import it and embed its contents locally.




See File System Profile to learn how to configure a File System Profile. Currently, the File System Profile option is only available on using the Swing desktop interface, not for the Vaadin desktop yetlegacy desktop.

Configuration Export Mode


Export Option



When the selected workflow packages are selected clicking on the Export button will call the relevant dialog box. In it, the package name and version can be specified. The commit type can also be chosen – the file can either be download to a MZP file or committed to the system.

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Workflow package export options

Specify the following information in the Workflow package export options:

  • Package name: The name of the workflow package.

  • Package version: The version of the workflow package.

  • Output option: Specify if you want to Download or Commit the workflow package. When you select the Commit option for output, the export is committed to your $MZ_HOME directory at /mzhomes/<mz_home_name>/tmp/<exported workflow package>


Refreshes the list of shown configurations. 


This option is not available in workflow package selection mode. 

Expand all

Expands all folders. 

Collapse all

Collapses all folders.
