Installation of Create a namespace in which you want to install . Code Block |
$ kubectl create ns <namespace> |
Note |
| If you plan to use the same EKS cluster to host multiple namespaces of , you you must enable set the helm value aws.namespace.enabled property in the values.yaml file before =true before performing the installation. All subsequent installations of in the same cluster must also have this property set to enable. |
When planning for multiple installations in one EKS cluster, the following property must be set to enable for the installations to be successful. Insert the option below to the helm install command shown in step 4. Code Block |
--set aws.namespace.enabled=true |
Once enabled, the name given to your namespace will act as an identifier for the domain name and postgres.db name that will be installed. The domain name will have the namespace added into it, resulting in a name that looks like The namespace will also be applied as a suffix to the postgres.db value like so <postgres.db><namespace>. - Run the following commands by replacing the placeholders with the values
The following placeholder values are getting from the terraform command output. Place Holder | Value from terraform output |
<cluster_name> | Follow as per the value configured in mz-eks.yaml Default is mz-eks | <region> | Follow as per the value configured in mz-eks.yaml Default is eu-west-1 | <certificate_arn> | certificate_arn | <db_endpoint> | db_endpoint without the “:port” part | <db_user> | db_user | <encrypted_admin<admin_password> | echo -n db_password | base64 Where Follow as per the value configured in terraform.tfvars db_password is the value from the terraform output. | <eks_domain_zone_name> | eks_domain_zone_name |
Install Platform,
use the Note |
If you are running multiple Usage Engine installations on the cluster, please ensure to read through Cluster Multi Tenancy(3.2) instructions. |
Install Platform, use the License Key file from License Key and Helm Chart (3.2). This is an example of a minimal installation, you need all the parameters.
- Use a suitable unique name for <release_platform> in the command below. - Service name of ingress nginx should be <release_name>-ingress-nginx-controller in the command below. Code Block |
$ helm install <release_platform> ./usage-engine-private-edition --wait --timeout=5m \
--set environment=aws \
--set aws.cluster_name=<cluster_name> \
--set aws.region=<region> \
--set global.domain=<cluster_name>.<eks_domain_zone_name> \
--set aws.acm_certificate="<certificate_arn>" \
--set persistenceaws.ingress.enabledserviceName=true"<service \
name of ingress nginx>" \
--set platformpersistence.tls.enabled=true \
--set mzonlineplatform.ssltls.enabled=falsetrue \
--set ingress-nginx-v4mzonline.ssl.enabled=truefalse \
--set postgres.db=mz \
--set platform.db.type=postgresql \
--set postgres.adminUsername=<db_user> \
--set postgres.adminPassword="<encrypted_admin<admin_password>" \
--set"<db_endpoint>" \
--set-file licenseKey=<licenseKey_file> \
--set debug.script.enabled=true \
--namespace <namespace> |
Verify the installation. Note |
If you are running multiple Image Removed installations on the cluster, in case the CRD or Nginx Ingress class resource is already installed, then you should add the following to your helm command to avoid hitting a resource already exists error. --set mzOperator.installCRDs=false \ --set ingress-nginx-v4.controller.ingressClassResource.enabled=false \ |
Verify the installation. Code Block | $ kubectl get all -n <namespace>
efs-provisioner-7bf57d6fcd-22kp7 Code Block |
$ kubectl get all -n <namespace>
NAME 1/1 Running 0 17h external-dns-86776cbff9-47pfc READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE
pod/aws-load-balancer-controller-7f8bcc8585-t46qz 1/1 Running 01/1 Running 17h <release_platform>-ingress-nginx-v4-controller-6b8679dfc8 1/1 0 Running 0 17h
mz-operator 4d10h
pod/aws-load-balancer-controller-manager7f8bcc8585-66648c48d9-m282fzr755 21/21 Running 0 0 17h mz-operator-controller-manager-66648c48d9-wqphx 2/2 4d10h
pod/efs-csi-controller-69d97cfd88-kqprs Running 0 17h mzonline-b56cbd899-vrp4p 3/3 Running 0 1/1 4d10h
pod/efs-csi-controller-69d97cfd88-qsm6f Running 0 17h platform-0 3/3 Running 0 4d10h
pod/efs-csi-node-h64hs 1/1 Running 0 17h wd-5cfcb6cbfc-lppxj 3/3 Running 0 4d10h
1/1pod/efs-csi-node-z4nmg Running 0 17h NAME 3/3 Running 0 4d10h
TYPEpod/efs-csi-node-zjjrc CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP 3/3 Running 0 4d10h
pod/external-dns-d6b57ff89-xm7jc PORT(S) 1/1 Running AGE service/external-dns 0 4d10h
pod/my-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-79d8bc697f-2ml44 1/1 Running ClusterIP 10.100.30. 0 <none> 34h
pod/mz-operator-controller-manager-6d46b7848d-b5btd 2/2 Running 0 5h44m
pod/mz-operator-controller-manager-6d46b7848d-kpprs 2/2 Running 7979/TCP 0 17h5h44m
servicepod/<release_platform>mzonline-ingress-nginx-v4-controller764df4f5db-862gr NodePort <none> 1/1 Running 0 5h44m
pod/platform-0 80:30963/TCP,443:31556/TCP 17h service/mz-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service ClusterIP <none> 1/1 Running 0 5h44m
pod/ui-5f6d547d6d-wb2q7 8443/TCP 1/1 Running 17h
service/mz-operator-controller-manager-service0 ClusterIP <none>5h44m
pod/wd-c8cb79bf4-fqwgq 1/1 Running 0 5h44m
NAME 443/TCP 17h service/mzonline TYPE CLUSTER-IP NodePort EXTERNAL-IP <none> PORT(S) 80:31330/TCP,443:32378/TCP 17h service/platform AGE
service/aws-load-balancer-webhook-service ClusterIP LoadBalancer 10.100.61130.18833<none> 9000:32650/TCP,6790:30146/TCP 17h service/wd NodePort <none> 443/TCP 4d10h
service/external-dns 9999:32414/TCP 17h NAME ClusterIP <none> READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/aws-alb-ingress-controller 7979/TCP 1/1 1 1 17h deployment.apps/efs-provisioner 4d10h
service/my-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller NodePort <none> 1/1 1 1 17h deployment.apps/external-dns 1/1 1 80:30706/TCP,443:32523/TCP 1 17h34h
deployment.apps/<release_platform>-ingress-nginx-v4-controller 1/1 service/mz-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service ClusterIP 1 <none> 1 17h deployment.apps/mzonline 1/1 1 1 8443/TCP 17h deployment.apps/wd 5h44m
service/mzonline 1/1 1 1 NodePort 17h NAME10.100.210.0 <none> DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE
replicaset.apps/aws-alb-ingress-controller-7fc8f854b 443:30411/TCP 1 1 5h44m
service/platform 1 17h replicaset.apps/efs-provisioner-84cc87d7f9 LoadBalancer 1 9000:31522/TCP,6790:30956/TCP,443:31032/TCP 15h44m
service/ui 17h replicaset.apps/external-dns-64f844469c 1 NodePort 1 <none> 1 17h replicaset.apps/<release_platform>-ingress-nginx-v4-controller-7f8cc84675 1 1 1 17h replicaset.apps/mzonline-69b787d88 9001:32735/TCP 1 1 1 17h5h44m
replicaset.appsservice/wd-5b9b64c5b9 NodePort 1 <none> 1 1 17h NAME READY AGE
statefulset.apps/mz-operator-controller-manager 1/1 9001:32735/TCP 17h
statefulset.apps/platform 1/1 17h |
Accessing the EnvironmentBasic examples of how to define the User Interfaces below. For a more comprehensive guide, see: Starting and Managing Desktop (3.0). Code Block |
Web Desktop: https://desktop.<domain>/
Web interface: https://mzonline.<domain>/
Platform: https://platform.<domain>:<mz.webserver.port>/ |
Connect to DesktopHow you connect to the Desktop client depends on if you want to use Desktop in Browser or the Desktop Launcher. Refer to the relevant section below. Web Desktop Info |
| title | Example - Web Desktop 5h44m
daemonset.apps/efs-csi-node 3 3 3 3 3 4d10h
deployment.apps/aws-load-balancer-controller 2/2 2 2 4d10h
deployment.apps/efs-csi-controller 2/2 2 2 4d10h
deployment.apps/external-dns 1/1 1 1 4d10h
deployment.apps/my-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller 1/1 1 1 34h
deployment.apps/mz-operator-controller-manager 2/2 2 2 5h44m
deployment.apps/mzonline 1/1 1 0 5h44m
deployment.apps/ui 1/1 1 0 5h44m
deployment.apps/wd 1/1 1 0 5h44m
replicaset.apps/aws-load-balancer-controller-7f8bcc8585 2 2 2 4d10h
replicaset.apps/efs-csi-controller-69d97cfd88 2 2 2 4d10h
replicaset.apps/external-dns-d6b57ff89 1 1 1 4d10h
replicaset.apps/my-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-79d8bc697f 1 1 1 34h
replicaset.apps/mz-operator-controller-manager-6d46b7848d 2 2 2 5h44m
replicaset.apps/mzonline-764df4f5db 1 1 1 5h44m
replicaset.apps/ui-5f6d547d6d 1 1 1 5h44m
replicaset.apps/wd-c8cb79bf4 1 1 1 5h44m
statefulset.apps/platform 1/1 5h44m |
Accessing the Environment
Basic examples of how to define the User Interfaces below. For a more comprehensive guide, see: Starting and Managing Desktop (3.0).
Code Block |
Desktop Online: https://ui.<domain>/
Web Desktop: https://desktop.<domain>/
Web interface: https://mzonline.<domain>/
Platform: https://platform.<domain>:<mz.webserver.port>/ |
Connect to Desktop
How you connect to the Desktop client depends on if you want to use Desktop in Browser or the Desktop Launcher. Refer to the relevant section below.
Web Desktop
Info |
title | Example - Web Desktop URL |
Code Block |
Example. Enter the URL in a web browser:
# Define connection type "desktop." before the <domain>, as indicated below: |
Desktop Launcher
To deploy the Desktop Launcher, you need to do the following steps:
Prerequisite: Download and install java 11 on the PC that you will use the Desktop on. Both JRE and JDK work.
Download the
Image Added Desktop Launcher from https://platform.<cluster node>:<mz.webserver.port>/launch/desktop.
The port is by default 9000.
Info |
title | Example - Desktop Launcher URL |
Code Block |
Example. Enter the URL in a web browser:
# Define connection type " |
desktop." before the <domain>, as indicated below: Launcher
To deploy the Desktop Launcher, you need to do the following steps:
- Prerequisite: Download and install java 11 on the PC that you will use the Desktop on. Both JRE and JDK work.
Download the
Image Removed Desktop Launcher from platform." before the <domain>, as indicated below:
https://platform. |
<cluster node>:<mz.webserver.port>/launch/desktop. The port is by default |
To install the Desktop Launcher, for Windows, download the exe file and double-click to install it. Alternatively download the OS independent jar file and use java -jar to install it.
Info |
title | Example - Desktop Launcher URL |
| Code Block |
Example. Enter the URL in a web browser:
# Define connection type "platform." before the <domain>, as indicated below: |
To install the Desktop Launcher, for Windows, download the exe file and double-click to install it. Alternatively download the OS independent jar file and use java -jar to install it. |
Code Block |
$ java -jar standard standard-mzx-launcher-1.1.4.jar |
- When you add an instance in the Desktop Launcher, set the Port to 9000. Host should begin with "platform." before the <domain>.
Image Added
Connect to the Desktop Online
Launcher via java -jar Code Block |
$ java -jar standard standard-mzx-launcher-1.1.4.jar |
When you add an instance in the Desktop Launcher, set the Port to 9000. Host should begin with "platform." before the <domain>.
Image Removed
Code Block |
Example. Enter the URL in a web browser:
# Define connection type “ui.” before the <domain>, as indicated below: |
Connect to the Web Interface
Info |
title | Example - Webb Interface URL |
Code Block |
Example. Enter the URL in a web browser:
# Define connection type "mzonline." before the <domain>, as indicated below: |
Define Configurations on the Installation
The Installation guide is now complete. To get a system ready for production or testing purposes, you will need to define Configurations and ECs, there are three different types as described below: