Versions Compared


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In MediationZone 9.1, there are the following known issues:

Table of Contents

Installation and Upgrade Issues

Installation Is Not Possible if MZ_HOME Path Contains a Folder Name with Spaces

If the MZ_HOME path contains and spaces the installation will fail. Please ensure the MZ_HOME doesn't contain any spaces prior to installing.

Installation Reported as Successful Even if the Platform Fails to Start

In some circumstances during installation the installer may report as successful when the platform has not started.

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Installation isn't possible if MZ_HOME path contains a folder name with spaces


Installation reported as successful even if the platform fails to start

Warning Messages Displayed During Installation


Unable to change platform database after installation

It is not possible to change platform database after the installation is completed which used to be a feature that available since 8.x. This issue will be fixed in future releases.

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DOC: Known Issue

Installation Is Not Possible if MZ_HOME Path Contains a Folder Name with Spaces

If the MZ_HOME path contains spaces the installation will fail. Please ensure the MZ_HOME doesn't contain any spaces before installing.

Installation is Reported as Successful Even if the Platform Fails to Start

In some circumstances during installation the installer may report as successful when the platform has not started.

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Installation isn't possible if MZ_HOME path contains a folder name with spaces


Installation is reported as successful even if the platform fails to start

Warning Messages Displayed During Installation

When the user performs “ prepare”, a warning message “setSecurityManager will be removed in a future release" is displayed. This does not impact functionality of MZ 9 installation and will be handled in future versions of MZ.

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Cached Instance of Legacy Desktop Generates Error when Logging in After Upgrade


Error Occurs When Performing Multiple Installations on a Host with Different UNIX User IDs

The /tmp/syslog/syslog-debug.log file is created when a host machine contains an MZ 9 installation. This file will be overwritten by any subsequent MZ 9 installations that are performed on the same host machine with a different UNIX user ID. However, the attempt to overwrite this file will fail and cause errors to the subsequent installations.

To solve this issue, you can delete the old instance by right-clicking the instance and selecting Delete in the popup menu


and then create a new instance with the same URL.


modify the platform.xml file setting by using the mzsh topo open platform command. Edit the platform.xml file, and change the directory to use another directory using the following command: <property name="mz.syslog.debuglogfile.filedir" value="[the directory]"/>.

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User Interface issues

New Desktop Issues

Database Agent Assignment Tab Value Are Not Cleared



Latest Oracle JDBC Driver Versions not Supported

Latest Oracle JDBC drivers such as version 21c and 23c are not supported in this release. Ensure to check the System Requirements for information about supported Oracle database version.

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Database Agent MIM Browser Need To Click Twice To Close It

The MIM browser open from database agent, need to close it by hitting twice on cancel button or the X button to close it.

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External Reference Profile Datalist Can Be Altered in Read-Only Mode

When certain procedures are made, it is possible to alter the data list found in the external reference profile while the read-only mode is used. This causes a system-wide DRRCPException to be thrown.


Unable to Upgrade When Using a Symbolic Link as MZ_HOME

Users are encountering issues with symlinks when using them as MZ_HOME during an installation or upgrade due to the java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException error.

This issue arises from a bug reported under [JDK-8294193] Files.createDirectories throws FileAlreadyExistsException for a symbolic link whose target is an existing directory - Java Bug System ( and has been fixed in JDK 20.

To avoid encountering this error during installation or upgrade, you should use an absolute path instead of a symlink for the MZ_HOME directory.

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hidden  [Vaadin] External Reference Profile edit values in read only mode

Login Web UI Will Go To Last Page That Last User Accessed 

User A log out from web UI, and User B login, it will automatically go to the page last accessed by User A.


Platform Instances and Runtime Data Need to be Removed Post Upgrade

Due to some issues with the Desktop cache, platform instances and runtime data must be cleared from the Desktop Launcher, see Removing Instances and Runtime Data.

Removing Unused Service Contexts After Upgrading from MediationZone 8

When upgrading from MediationZone 8 to MediationZone 9, all picos are upgraded resulting in an installation with numerous unused service contexts that should be removed.

To resolve this, you are required to use the mzsh topo command to manually remove these picos. For more information on the steps, refer to Removing Pico Configurations.

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hiddentrue when changing user you are logged into the last page used by the previous user  

Integer Field Validation Can Be Broken



User Interface issues

New Desktop Issues

Database Agent Assignment Tab Value Are Not Cleared

When Value Type is set to "To UDR" or "NULL", the Value column is not cleared.

Page Properties

XE-8980 Web UI Integer field breaks with values going over integer limits

Type Assigned Indication not Shown in MIM Browser


Database Agent MIM Browser Need To Click Twice To Close It

The MIM browser open from database agent, need to close it by hitting twice on cancel button or the X button to close it.

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XE-8968GUI Vaadin - Typ Assigned indication not shown in MIM browser, Edit Filename Template

New Profile Becomes Read Only on Save


External Reference Profile Datalist Can Be Altered in Read-Only Mode

When certain procedures are made, it is possible to alter the data list found in the external reference profile while the read-only mode is used. This causes a system-wide DRRCPException to be thrown.

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XE-8913 new profile switches to read only mode as soon as you save it

Aggregation Inspector Pagination Fails on Very Large Files

...  [Vaadin] External Reference Profile edit values in read only mode

Login Web UI Will Go To Last Page That Last User Accessed 

User A log out from web UI, and User B login, it will automatically go to the page last accessed by User A.

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XE-8861 Vaadin UI:  aggregation inspector fails paging to bottom of large number of sessions

Idle Timeout Only Warns the User Once

... when changing user you are logged into the last page used by the previous user  

Integer Field Validation Can Be Broken

Inputing integer values outside of the expected range can break the validation in the UI.

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XE-8980 Web UI Integer field breaks with values going over integer limits

Type Assigned Indication not Shown in MIM Browser

This can be viewed in the Legacy Desktop if required.

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XE-7883 Idle timeout notification doesn't warn twice

Cannot Login to Multiple Platforms

It is not currently possible to login to multiple separate platforms using the new UI in one browser. Users can use different browsers, incognito modes or the Legacy Desktop if this is required.

8968GUI Vaadin - Typ Assigned indication not shown in MIM browser, Edit Filename Template

Idle Timeout Only Warns the User Once

Inactive users will be logged out after a configurable period, following a warning to that effect. If a user is active after the warning they won't be logged out, but if they are inactive again then they will be logged out with no warning. 

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XE-7549 Vaadin seems to break when two platforms are running simulatenously

Data Veracity Repair Jobs Show in One Line

When viewing the repair jobs in the new UI they are displayed in one line which is hard to read.

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XE-8409 DV Repair Jobs > Repair Rule displays in 1 long string is hard to read

7883 Idle timeout notification doesn't warn twice

Cannot Login to Multiple Platforms

It is not currently possible to login to multiple separate platforms using the new UI in one browser. Users can use different browsers, incognito modes, or the Legacy Desktop if this is required.

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XE-7549 Vaadin seems to break when two platforms are running simultaneously

Data Veracity Repair Jobs Show in One Line

When viewing the repair jobs in the new UI they are displayed in one line which is hard to read.

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XE-8409 DV Repair Jobs > Repair Rule displays in 1 long string is hard to read

Accessibility Issues

The new web-native desktop aims to be fully accessible, but there are currently some outstanding issues regarding this. These include:

  • In some interfaces, the keyboard navigation doesn't follow the ideal order or convention

  • Incorrect behaviour behavior of radio buttons

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XE-8973After collection radio buttons have incorrect behaviour
XE-8961Accessibility: Workflow group Event type list box tab order is not fixed 
XE-8957Accessibility: menu item is not focus in windows machine 
XE-7622vaadin-combo-box has invalid ARIA attribute value: "aria-activedescendant"

Code Editor Issues

The code editor in the new web-native desktop provides code completion and syntax highlighting there are some known issues with syntax highlighting not being correct, it is not possible to add tabs to code and code completion cannot be activated on a Mac if multiple keyboard layouts are enabled.

When attempting to use the code completion function in agents or profiles, for example, the Analysis agent, the built-in keyboard shortcut of Command + Space on a Mac computer will not trigger the code completion dialog box. 

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Analysis agent code completion doesn't work on a Mac


GUI Vaadin - Analysis agent - vaadin - synchronized and internal functions not highlighted in APL Editor

Known Differences Between Desktops

There are some known, minor issues with differences between the two Desktops.

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GUI Vaadin - Agent Configuration - Logged MIMs not presented as a header.


CSV DB profile Displayed in Config Selection Dialog in WebUI


Encrypted profiles lacks key icon as in old Desktop

Legacy Desktop Issues

In the Legacy Desktop an exception may occur when you first log in to the Platform. If you log in again the exception is not shown.

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Exception when logging into the desktop

Data Veracity issues

Data Veracity Search Filtering For Some Fields Are Case-Sensitive


The full filter query for Data Veracity is not available for viewing in the web uiUI. A partial display of the query can be seen at in the filter listing under Data Veracity > Filter listing.


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hiddentrue Vaadin DV > Search > Add a rule with a empty group > Error

Importing Old Data Veracity Collection Agent Workflow Configurations Returned Validation Errors

If you have an old Data Veracity Collection Agent Workflow configuration from version 8.x, it is possible that validation errors about invalid Analysis Agents may occur.


Input button if applicable. After adding the appropriate Analysis UDR Types, save the workflow configuration.

Data Veracity Filter Are Not Refresh Automatically

The Filter page is not always the latest, after creating a new Filter from the Data Veracity Search page, you may need to click the Refresh button to view it.

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Data Veracity New Restricted Fields that


were Used for an Existing Repair Rule Not Disabled

If setting a new restricted field that was used in a previously created Repair Rule, it is expected that the rule on the said field should gray out when viewing the saved Repair Rule and be ignored when applying repair tasks. However, the rule on the said field still appears to be editable in the old Saved Repair Rule.

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hiddentrue Vaadin DV - New Restricted Fields that was Used for an Existing Repair Rule is still Editable when Editing Repair Rule

Other issues

Logging Issue

When logging out of the legacy desktop desktop_current.log has unnecessary logs added


In Database Forwarding Agent, when we have a field NULL/To UDR, the validation message that prompted is does not properly describe the problem.


The HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G - 5G Profile, HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G - Primary NRF Address, and HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G - Secondary NRF Addresses parameters in version 8.3.2.X are missing from the Workflow Table and workflow instance table when upgrading from version onwards to MediationZone 9.


The '<agent> - 5G - <field>' parameters in version 8.3.2.X

This is because the three parameters are classified under a different sub-category, the '5G Support' as HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G Support - 5G Profile, HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G Support - NRF Address, and HTTP2_Server_1 - 5G Support - Secondary NRF Address


The '<agent> - 5G Support - <field>' parameters in MediationZone 9

If the existing workflow contains these parameters from the older version, users are required to configure them under the new '5G Support' sub-category.

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hiddentrue Known Issue Documentation for 5G Primary & Secondary NRF Backward Compatibility in MZ9 & PE

SAP CC Notification Agent TLS Feature Not Working


The Aggregation Inspector Does not Work with Aggregation Profiles Using External References

If you have an Aggregation profile using External References, the session data will not be visible in Aggregation Inspector. To solve this, you can update the Aggregation profile to not use External References once the session data has been made available, the data will then be visible in Aggregation Inspector.

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File Storage Aggregation Data not Removed when Modifying Profile

If you have an Aggregation profile with File storage selected and select to change the Storage Host or the Directory, or change to a different storage type, you will have to manually remove data. However, if this is done in the Legacy Desktop, data will automatically be removed.

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Open API Incorrectly Validates Request Body

Users are encountering an issue with request body validation when using a schema file that includes discriminator and oneOf keywords in the same schema object. This issue arises due to a limitation in the library implementation.

There is an existing ticket logged on this issue, see To work around this issue, you can disable request validation for requests containing the schema object.

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Data Hub Workflow Aborts With “NoClassDefFoundError”

Users might encounter a “NoClassDefFoundError” in Data Hub Forwarding agent in MediationZone9.1.1. This is caused by an unintentional removal of a library dependency. To resolve this, the change will be reverted in the subsequent service pack release of MediationZone 9.1.

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hiddentrue SAP CC notification TLS is not working12882