Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Used Memory - Shows the amount of memory currently allocated by the running process. As Java is a language utilizing using garbage collection, this number may very well get close to the maximum memory limit without being a problem for the running process. However, if the amount of used memory is close to the maximum limit for a long time, the process needs more memory. This value is displayed in bytes. See the -Xmx and -Xms properties defined in the XML file defining the process.

  • Maximum Memory - Shows the amount of memory that the process can use. This value is displayed in bytes.

  • Process CPU Time - Shows the percentage of CPU time that has been used.

  • Open File Descriptors - This is a Unix measurement that enables you to create a statistical diagram over the number of open files during the last minute, hour, or day.

  • Garbage Collection Count - Shows the number of times the garbage collector has run since the last time statistics was collected.

  • Garbage Collection Time - Shows the amount of time the garbage collector has run since the last time statistics was collected. This value is displayed in milliseconds.

  • Thread Count - Shows the number of allocated threads.


  • Simultaneous - Displays the number of simultaneously running workflows.

  • Queue Size - The size of the queue space that is being used at the time of the sample for each individual queue.

Image Removed uses Java Management Extensions (JMX) to monitor MIM tree attributes in running workflows. For more information, refer to /wiki/spaces/temp/pages/23282159.

Viewing the System Statistics


In the Filter dialog, search criteria may be defined in order to single out the Statistics of interest.






Select this option to display the statistics from the chosen time interval. Select one of the predefined time intervals; Last Hour, Today, Yesterday, This Week, Previous Week, Last 7 Days, This MonthPrevious Month, or select the option User Defined and enter the start and end dates and times of your choice in the From and To fields.



If several criteria are enabled, an absolute match is displayed. For instance, if Host and Workflow are specified as well as Period, only the time for which there are both workflow measures and host measures is displayed.


Specifies the time scale to be used.

There are three different time resolutions on which statistics are collected.

The default value is Hour.

Time resolutionDescription


This is the most precise value but requires the most from the server when locating the statistics. It is saved every minute.


These values are calculated every hour and are a sum of the minute values for that hour.


Day values are calculated by the corresponding statistics task and is a sum of the minute values for that day.


Choose from a list of available hosts by selecting items from the drop-down list or simply click on the Select All button. Users may also type out the name of the intended host to filter by.


Choose from a list of available picos by selecting items from the drop-down list or simply click on the Select All button. Users may also type out the name of the intended pico to filter by.


Choose from a list of available workflows by items from the drop-down list or simply click on the Select All button. Users may also type out the name of the intended workflow to filter by.

Options in System Statistics Host / Pico / Workflow Views


For each statistics type you can see:



Host View

Each host has its statistics displayed in a separate color. A default measurement type chart is displayed upon first filter application

Pico Instance View

Each pico instance has its statistics displayed in a separate color. A default measurement type chart is displayed upon first filter application

Workflow View

Each workflow has its statistics displayed in a separate color, and if you have selected to view queue statistics, each queue has its own color. A default measurement type chart is displayed upon first filter application

If you select to view Queue Throughput statistics and you have more than one route with the same name in a workflow, they are displayed separately by default, and are named in the format route name (source agent name), e.g. r_1 (collection1). If you want to group these queues together, e.g. due to legacy settings, select the Ignore Route Owner checkbox, and the source agent is no longer displayed per route. 



When the Ignore Route Owner checkbox is selected, and there is more than one route with the same name, if the statistics are displayed in hour or day resolution, the average of all routes with the same name is shown. If the statistics are displayed on minute resolution, the statistics for one of the queues with the same name is shown, and there is no rule for which queue is shown.

Exporting Statistics

Exporting statistics may be useful for several purposes, for example if you want to share the statistical information with someone who does not have access to your system.

To export the statistics:

  1. Click on the Export button.

    The Export dialog opens.


    The export dialog resembles the filter dialog. You may choose which hosts / picos / workflows to be part of your export file according your desire time range as per your selection of the time period. After selecting your desired configurations, click on the Export button to save the zip file. It should be in your default download folder as per your browser setting.



The export functionality can also be used to save statistics on a regular basis. Such as every month or every year, to use for comparison with the current statistics.


The Import functionality is used to import statistics that have previously been exported from a Image Removed MediationZone system. When using the Import functionality you do not have to perform a search in order to display the statistics.



An import of statistics does not affect the data in the database, it just displays a snapshot of the statistics at the time it was exported.

To import the statistics:
 In System Statistics, click Import.

  1. The Open dialog opens.

  2. Browse to the directory where the *.zip file you want to import is located. Select the file and click Open.

    The statistical information is now displayed in System Statistics. The same search criteria that were set in the Search System Statistics dialog when the statistics were exported is displayed.

    The date information at the top of the dialog displays the time interval for the imported statistics, and the text "Imported Statistics" also appears in red beside the date information.
