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This section contains the following UDRs:


The UICycle UDR is used for input and output to the UI Builder Agent.

The following fields are included in the UICycle UDR:



request (RequestUDR)

This field contains the request from the client application to the REST server agent.

response (ResponseUDR)

This field contains the response from the REST Server agent to the client application. In the event of an internal error scenario, this field may contain the suggested response from the REST Server agent to the client application.

error (ErrorUDR)

This field contains information related to internal processing errors.

Request UDR

The Request UDR is used is sent from UI Builder Agent.

The following fields are included in the Request UDR:



body (bytearray)

This field contains the HTTP message body.

clientHost (string)

This field contains the client IP.

clientPort (int)

This field contains the client port.

contextID (long)

This field contains the context ID

files (map<string,bytearray>)

This field may contain files sent in a POST request with Encoding as MULTIPART. It will consist of a key-value pair, where the key is the file name and the value is the byte array of the file.

headerFields (map<string,list<string>>)

This field may contain an HTTP header. The header fields are stored as key-value pairs.

httpMethod (string)

This field must contain the HTTP method.

requestedUri (string)

This field contains a requested URI.

params (map<string,list<string>>)

This field may contain HTTP query parameters and/or POST parameters parsed from request body.

username (string)

This field contains username of logged in user.

Response UDR

The Response UDR is used send the actual UI to the UI Builder Agent.

The following fields are included in the Response UDR:



body (bytearray)

This field can contain the HTTP message body. If the page is built up manually or a File should be downloaded. In normal cases this field is not used.

cookies (list<CookieUDR>

This field can contain a list of Cookie UDRs.

headerFields (map<string,list<string>>)

This field may contain an HTTP header. The header is stored as key-value pairs.

httpResponseCode (int)

This field can contain the response code to the client. If not set response code 200 will be sent to client.

mainGrid (GridUDR)

This field can contain the Grid UDR to build up the UI. This field or body field must be set.

menuItems (map<string,string>)

This field may contain menu items. The menu items are stored as key-value pairs. Where key is the text showed in the menu and value is a URL to the new page.

naviContent (list<ComponentUDR>)

This field may contain a list of any Component UDR to be present in the top navibar on the UI.

scripts (list<ScriptUDR>)

This field may contain a list of Script UDR to be added to the page.

Cookie UDR

The Cookie UDR is used to set or read a Cookie.

The following fields are included in the Cookie UDR:



maxAge (int)

This field may contain maximum age of the cookie in seconds.

name (string)

This field contain the name of the cookie.

path (string)

This field may contain a uri path for the cookie to which the client should return the cookie

value (string)

This field may contain the value of the cookie. If left empty meaning the cookie will be deleted.

Script UDR

The Script UDR is used to set extra Scripts on the UI page. It can be referring to a URI where the script can be found or created in this UDR.

The following fields are included in the Script UDR:






attributes (map<string,string>)


This field may contain extra attributes to be added to the script tag.


crossOrigin (string)


This field may contain the value for CORS settings of a script.


integrity (string)


This field may contain the value for integrity attribute.


placement (int)


This field may contain placement of the script tag on the page. Default is LAST_BODY.
Possible values are:


srcUrl (string)


This field may contain a url to a script.


text (string)


This field may contain a script text.


type (string)


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