The DTK allows new event types to be introduced and emitted to the Event Server. These events may be collected and parsed in the Event Notification configuration and forwarded to one of the existing notifiers, such as the Log File or a user defined notifier created with DTK. For further information about notifier plugins, see Notifier Plugins[hide]10.6[/hide].
For an event plugin example, see
Event related examples are located in the package com.digitalroute.devkit.event
Historic Events
After an event has been processed by the Event Server, it is disposed of, by default. Thus, a new subscriber will not receive a matching event until the next one arrives. For subscribers such as the Workflow Template, that needs to know the state of each agent when a workflow is loaded, this is not sufficient. To solve this problem, an event can be defined as historic. If such an event arrives to the Event Server, it will cache this event after processing it, instead of throwing it away. Only the last event for each key will be saved. An event defined as clearing history will remove historic events sharing the same group key.
Event Suppression
The Event Notification configuration (not the Event Server) offers a feature of suppressing duplicate events. For instance, if duplicate suppression is configured to 10 seconds, the first arriving event will be forwarded, while duplicates, arriving within 10 seconds, will be discarded. To handle this, the duplicate key may be defined in the event. This is referred to as the suppress key.
User defined events are introduced by extending the DRBaseEvent
class. DRBaseEvent
itself extends DRAbstractUDR
so that it can benefit from the introspection mechanism introduced in the UDR subsystem. The Event Notification configuration utilizes this when allowing automatic filtering on or selecting data from individual event fields. The base event contains some common fields that will be available in all events. These include severity, IP address and timestamp.