Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This section will refer to the Reference Data Management dashboard found on the Desktop and all relevant materials and functions associated with the dashboard. The Reference Data Management dashboard will allow you to do the following:


Child pages (Children Display)

Menu Bar


Query Result View

One you have gotten a query result, a table toolbar is available at the top of the Web UIquery result view. This bar allows you to select from the tabs, the operations that you will want to use Reference Data Management for, such as Query, Edit and Export/Import. There is also a logout button to log you out of the web UI.


Status Bar

A status bar is available after the menu bar. This bar indicates the selected Reference Data profile, selected table, and status of ongoing processes.

The processes that are  responsible for performing the various database operations can be time consuming. However, these are performed in the background and do not interfere with the Web UI.

The following controls are available in the status bar:






Refresh State Interval


Use this field to set the status line refresh interval in seconds.


Refresh State


Click on this button to refresh the status line.




Click on this button to stop the active process. 

Edit Tab

In the Edit tab you can:


Filter table data


Select columns to display


Change sorting order


Web UI - Edit tab






Select All


This button selects all the displayed rows.


Clear All


This button clears the selection of all rows.


Toggle Filtering


This button opens a text box above each column label. You can use this text box for filtering rows.


Show Only Modified/Show All


This button toggles filtering of unedited rows.




This button opens the Export/Import tab.




This button opens a dialog where you can select columns to display.


Pagination Control


The pagination control is displayed if there is more than one page for the data set. You can use this control to navigate between pages.


Previous Data Set


This button is displayed if there any previous data sets.


Next Data Set


This button is displayed if there any consecutive data sets.




This button opens a dialog where you can insert rows.




This button opens a dialog where you can edit selected rows.




This button opens a dialog where you can delete selected rows.


Cancel Selected


This button cancels changes on the selected rows.


Cancel All


This button cancels all changes.




This button opens a page where you can display all your edits and commit the changes to the database. 

Export/Import Tab

In the Export/Import tab you can bulk load data to and from the database. 








This button start starts an export.


Separator Character


This field specifies the character that will be used for separating values in the export.


Export All Rows


When this radio button is selected, all rows in the table will be exported.


Export Retrieved Rows


When this radio button is selected, the rows in the last query will be exported.


CSV Format


This radio button is always selected as data must be exported in CSV format.


Column Selector


This button open the Choose Columns dialog. Use this dialog to select the columns that should exported.

To export a table:






Upload File


This button opens a file selection dialog. You can only select one file at a time but it is possible to upload multiple files for import. Each added file is listed below the button.




This button starts the import of the selected file.




This button aborts the import of the selected file.




This button removes the selected file.


Text Qualifier Character


This field specifies the character that should be interpreted as the indicator to the text content for a particular field. The character for text qualifier is configurable between single quotes or double quotes. The default text qualifier are double quotes


Separator Character


This field specifies the character that should be interpreted as separator between values in the imported file. The default separator is  a comma.


Ignore Error during Import


When this check box is selected, errors during import are logged but does not interrupt the process.




When selected, all rows to be imported into the table will be appended into the table as new rows.




When selected, all rows in the existing table will be truncated and the rows will be imported into an empty table.

To import a table:


Click Upload file and select a CSV file. The contents of the file must be consistent with the columns and constraints of the selected table. You can repeat this step to import multiple files.


Enter Separator Character that is consistent with the selected files.


If a partial import is acceptable select the check box Continue On Error.


, searching for specific data in the columns, Insert Row, Refresh, Export, Import and Delete.

At the bottom of the view, you get the a status bar that show the total of rows for the entire query result.


Table Toolbar Options




Opens the Query dialog, allowing you to tweak with the expressions or query configurations. Refer to Querying A Table In Reference Data Management for more information.

Insert Row

Opens the Insert Row dialog for you to add insert more rows of data into your table. Refer to Inserting rows for more information.


Refreshes the query result view, especially after you have added new rows using the Import function.


Exports the query result view or the entire table into a file. Refer to Exporting data for more information.


Imports bulk data from a file into the table. Refer to Importing data for more information.


Marks all rows in the query result for deletion. Refer to Removing rows for more information.