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The Reference Data Management Dashboard will allow you to do the following:


Table of Contents
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titleQuerying a table result

Querying a table result

To query a table, you will use the Get Started button from the initial dashboard page or you can click on the Query button on the result view. A Query dialog will open where you will configure the criteria for your query.

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Reference Data Profile

Allows you to select a Reference Data profile that contains the table you want to query from. For more on Reference Data profiles, you can refer to Reference Data Profile.


A dropdown list of tables configured in the selected Reference Data profile. You select from one table in the list to perform your query on.

Show Columns

This option appears once you have selected a profile and a table. This displays all the column names available in the selected table. You can remove and add the columns at your choosing to be displayed in the query result. Clicking on the All button will select all the columns in the table.

All columns are selected by default.

Data Set Size

This option appears once you have selected a profile and a table. The value in this field controls the maximum size of the retrieved data sets. The queried data is fetched from the Platform in data sets of configurable size. A large size typically results in a faster query but it may take longer to display the first dataset.

Query Expressions

This option appears once you have selected a profile and a table. Query Expressions allow you to filter the query results according to the criteria you configure in this option. Click on New Expression to add one to the query.

Query Expressions

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This is a column in the selected database table.


This is a comparison operator that is applied to the values in the specified column and the value.

The available operators are:

  • equals

  • not equals

  • like

  • not like

  • greater than

  • greater than or equals

  • lesser than

  • lesser than or equals

  • between


This field contains a value that is used in the expression. When between is the selected operator, two value fields are displayed.

You can use SQL wildcards such % and _ with the operators like and not like.

An underscore (_) in the pattern matches exactly one character (as opposed to one byte in a multibyte character set) in the value.

A percent sign (%) in the pattern can match zero or more characters (as opposed to bytes in a multibyte character set) in the value. The pattern '%' cannot match a null.

Steps to Query a result

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Rw step

On the Query dialog, choose a Reference Data Profile by clicking on the Browse button. Look for and select the profile that has the tables you want to search from using the Select Reference Data Profile dialog.

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Select a table from the Table dropdown list. The tables configured in the Reference Data Management profile will appear here.

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Inserting new data into the table


In the Query tab you can configure:

  • Row select conditions

  • How results are displayed

  • How data is retrieved (size of the data sets)

Web UI - Query tab




This is a column in the selected database table.


This is a comparison operator that is applied to the values in the specified column and the value.

The available operators are:




not like







This field contains a value that is used in the expression. When between is the selected operator, two value fields are displayed.

You can use SQL wildcards such % and _ with the operators like and not like.

An underscore (_) in the pattern matches exactly one character (as opposed to one byte in a multibyte character set) in the value.

A percent sign (%) in the pattern can match zero or more characters (as opposed to bytes in a multibyte character set) in the value. The pattern '%' cannot match a null.

Grid Page Size

The value in this field controls the grid size i e the number of rows that the grid will occupy.

Data Set Size

The queried data is fetched from the Platform in data sets of configurable size. A large size typically results in a faster query but it may take longer to display the first dataset.

The value in this field controls the maximum size of the retrieved data sets.

If a retrieved data set does not fit in the grid, it is paginated.

Single data set can be filtered or navigated by pages within grid. You can navigate the data sets by using the buttons Next Data Set and Previous Data Set.

Choose Columns

This button open the Choose Columns dialog. Use this dialog to select the columns that should be displayed in the result of the query.

Execute Query and Show Result

Executes the query and opens the Edit tab.


Database operations are performed  asynchronously (in the background) and you can update available data while a query process is still running.

To Execute a query:

  1. Select a column that you want to use in the condition.

  2. Select a comparison operator.

  3. Enter a value for the condition.

  4. Use the 


     buttons to add more conditions to the expression, or remove an existing one. When there are multiple expressions, these are combined by AND logic.

  5. Change the Options settings to values that are suitable for the queried table. 

  6. Click the Choose Columns button. Uncheck the column names that you do not want to display in the result and click the OK button.

  7. Click Execute Query And Show Results. The Edit tab containing a data grid is displayed. The data grid is displayed when the application has retrieved the first data set. The subsequent data sets are retrieved in a background process that you can monitor in the status bar.

Edit Tab

In the Edit tab you can:

  • Edit, delete, and insert rows

  • Filter table data

  • Select columns to display

  • Change sorting order


Web UI - Edit tab



Select All

This button selects all the displayed rows.

Clear All

This button clears the selection of all rows.

Toggle Filtering

This button opens a text box above each column label. You can use this text box for filtering rows.

Show Only Modified/Show All

This button toggles filtering of unedited rows.


This button opens the Export/Import tab.


This button opens a dialog where you can select columns to display.

Pagination Control

The pagination control is displayed if there is more than one page for the data set. You can use this control to navigate between pages.

Previous Data Set

This button is displayed if there any previous data sets.

Next Data Set

This button is displayed if there any consecutive data sets.


This button opens a dialog where you can insert rows.


This button opens a dialog where you can edit selected rows.


This button opens a dialog where you can delete selected rows.

Cancel Selected

This button cancels changes on the selected rows.

Cancel All

This button cancels all changes.


This button opens a page where you can display all your edits and commit the changes to the database. 

To insert a row:

  1. Click the Insert button. The Data Editor dialog opens.

  2. Fill out the form in the dialog and click Apply Changes and Exit.

  3. Click Review. All the pending changes are displayed.

  4. Click commit.

To update rows:

  1. Alternative A:

    1. Click on the cells in the grid that you want to edit and update the value.

  2. Alternative B:

    1. Select one or more rows by either clicking on the check boxes on the leftmost side of the table or the Select All button.

    2. Click the Update  button. The Data Editor dialog opens.

    3. Edit the field values.

    4. Use the paginator control to navigate between the selected rows.

    5. Click Apply Changes And Exit.

  3. Click Review. All the pending changes are displayed.

  4. Click Commit. 

To delete a row:

  1. Select one or more rows by either clicking on the check boxes on the leftmost side of the table or the Select All button.

  2. Click the Delete button. The Data Editor dialog opens.

  3. Use the paginator control to navigate between the selected rows.

  4. Click Apply Changes And Exit.

  5. Click Review. All the pending changes are displayed.

  6. Click Commit. 

Export/Import Tab

In the Export/Import tab you can bulk load data to and from the database. 
