Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This section will refer to the Reference Data Management dashboard found on the Desktop and it will cover all the information related to itall relevant materials and functions associated with the dashboard. The Reference Data Management dashboard will allow you to do the following:




Refresh State Interval

Use this field to set the status line refresh interval in seconds.

Refresh State

Click on this button to refresh the status line.


Click on this button to stop the active process. 

Edit Tab

In the Edit tab you can:

  • Edit, delete, and insert rows

  • Filter table data

  • Select columns to display

  • Change sorting order


Web UI - Edit tab



Select All

This button selects all the displayed rows.

Clear All

This button clears the selection of all rows.

Toggle Filtering

This button opens a text box above each column label. You can use this text box for filtering rows.

Show Only Modified/Show All

This button toggles filtering of unedited rows.


This button opens the Export/Import tab.


This button opens a dialog where you can select columns to display.

Pagination Control

The pagination control is displayed if there is more than one page for the data set. You can use this control to navigate between pages.

Previous Data Set

This button is displayed if there any previous data sets.

Next Data Set

This button is displayed if there any consecutive data sets.


This button opens a dialog where you can insert rows.


This button opens a dialog where you can edit selected rows.


This button opens a dialog where you can delete selected rows.

Cancel Selected

This button cancels changes on the selected rows.

Cancel All

This button cancels all changes.


This button opens a page where you can display all your edits and commit the changes to the database. 

To insert a row:

  1. Click the Insert button. The Data Editor dialog opens.

  2. Fill out the form in the dialog and click Apply Changes and Exit.

  3. Click Review. All the pending changes are displayed.

  4. Click commit.

To update rows:

  1. Alternative A:

    1. Click on the cells in the grid that you want to edit and update the value.

  2. Alternative B:

    1. Select one or more rows by either clicking on the check boxes on the leftmost side of the table or the Select All button.

    2. Click the Update  button. The Data Editor dialog opens.

    3. Edit the field values.

    4. Use the paginator control to navigate between the selected rows.

    5. Click Apply Changes And Exit.

  3. Click Review. All the pending changes are displayed.

  4. Click Commit. 

To delete a row:

  1. Select one or more rows by either clicking on the check boxes on the leftmost side of the table or the Select All button.

  2. Click the Delete button. The Data Editor dialog opens.

  3. Use the paginator control to navigate between the selected rows.

  4. Click Apply Changes And Exit.

  5. Click Review. All the pending changes are displayed.

  6. Click Commit. 

Export/Import Tab

In the Export/Import tab you can bulk load data to and from the database. 
