When you have selected Couchbase or Redis storage, multiple Aggregation agents can be configured to read and write to the same storage. In this case, write locks are only enforced for sessions that are currently updated and not the entire storage. For further information about how to configure read-only access, see 9.23.4 Aggregation Profile.
In a batch workflow, the aggregation agent receives collected and decoded UDRs one by one.
The aggregation flow chart below illustrates how an incoming UDR is treated when it is handled by the Aggregation agent. If the UDR leaves the workflow without having called any APL code, it is handed over to error handling. For detailed information about handling unmatched UDRs see the section General Tab in Agent Configuration - Batch, Aggregation Agent Configuration - Batch, or Agent Configuration - Real-Time in Aggregation Agent Configuration - Real-Time.
The aggregation flow chart