Info |
Info!The Execution Context in the UDR name is not related to the execution context. |
Note |
Note! The SAP CC APIs that the SAP CC agents depend on does not support setting the itemImmediatelyLoaded flag for ChargingOutputContext. As a result, the SAP CC Batch agent is unable to support scenarios such as CIT creation via charging requests. |
Field | Description |
| This field determines whether chargeable items must be exported in the output of the charging operation. |
| This boolean field determines if the account information is returned in the result of the charging operation. |
| This boolean field determines if the account operations is returned in the result of the charging operation. |
| This boolean field determines if all available information is returned in the result of the charging operation. |
| This boolean field determines if the chargeable item information is returned in the result of the charging operation. |
| This boolean field determines if the charged item is returned in the result of the charging operation. |
| This boolean field determines if the charging contract information is returned in the result of the charging operation. |
| This boolean field determines if the charging process information is returned in the result of the charging operation. |
| This boolean field determines if the notifications is returned in the result of the charging operation. |
| This boolean field determines if the response items is returned in the result of the charging operation. |
This UDR represents the TransactionSet associated with a charging request result. The transaction set may be empty.