This function uses the GET method to retrieve content from an HTTP server.
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stringResponse httpGet ( string host, string path, string protocol, //Optional int port, //Optional boolean secure, //Optional int requestTimeout, //Optional int connectionTimeout, //Optional string username, //Optional string password, //Optional map<string, string> headers ) //Optional |
This function uses the POST method to send content to an HTTP/2 server and receives the response.
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stringResponse httpPost ( string host, string path, bytearray content, string contentType, string protocol, //Optional int port, //Optional boolean secure, //Optional int requestTimeout, //Optional int connectionTimeout, //Optional string username, //Optional string password, //Optional map<string, string> headers ) //Optional |
This function makes an HTTP request and uses the specified method, for example GET, POST, and PUT.
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stringResponse httpReq ( string method, string host, string path, bytearray content, string contentType, string protocol, //Optional int port, //Optional boolean secure, //Optional int requestTimeout, //Optional int connectionTimeout, //Optional string username, //Optional string password, //Optional map<string,string> headers )//Optional |
This function uses the POST method to send multipart binary contents to an HTTP server and receives the response.
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bytearrayResponse httpMultipartPost ( string host, string path, list<MultipartSegmentUDR> content, string protocol, //Optional int port, //Optional boolean secure, //Optional int requestTimeout, //Optional int connectionTimeout, //Optional string username, //Optional string password, //Optional map<string, string> headers ) //Optional |