Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The Search & Repair UI allows users to perform the following:


  1. To search for UDR Input Type, you must first select a Data Veracity profile. Click the Filter button to open the Search dialog. 

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    Data Veracity Search dialog

  2. Click Browse to select the Data Veracity profile.

  3. Select UDR for Input type.

    titleEnabled Input Type for Search
    UDR radio button will be enabled only if it is enabled in the selected Data Veracity profile
  4. When you have selected UDR for Input type, you can configure the following:

    1. UDR types - Select the specific UDR from a list. You can only choose ONE UDR type to access.

      Data Veracity UDR types combo box

    2. Display Fields - Select specific fields (which includes meta data, user defined MIMs and UDR fields) that you would like to display in thequery results.

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      Display Fields selection dialog box

    3. Search Query - Add the filter rules that you want in the query builder by clicking on Add. If more than one rule is defined, you would be able to choose between AND or OR by clicking on either of the buttons. You could also add a new group of rules by clicking on the Add Group button to define a nested set of rules for the query. When you run a query, rows in the table that matches the expression will be displayed in the Query Results
      For more information, see the Search Query section below.

      titleSaving the filter

      To save the filter,  click on the Save button to either save it as a new filter, or to update it if you were using an existing filter to search.

  5. Click OK to execute the query and the results will be displayed.

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    Example Query Result for UDR Input type


  1. To search for Batch, you must first select a Data Veracity profile. Click the Filter button to open the Search dialog. 

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    Data Veracity Search dialog

  2. Click Browse to select the Data Veracity profile.

  3. Select Batch for Input type.

    titleEnabled Input type for Search

    Batch radio button will be enabled only if it is enabled in the selected Data Veracity profile

  4. When you have selected Batch for Input type, you can configure the following:

    1. Display Fields - Select specific fields (which includes meta data and user defined MIMs) that you would like to display in the query results.

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      Display Fields selection dialog box

    2. Search Query - In the Search Query panel, add the Filter rules that you want in the query builder by clicking on Add. If more than one rule is defined, you would be able to choose between AND or OR by clicking on either of the buttons. You could also add a new group of rules by clicking on the Add Group button to define a nested set of rules for the query. For more information, see the Search Query section below.

      titleSaving the filter

      To save the filter,  click on the Save button to either save it as a new filter, or to update it if you were using an existing filter to search.

  5. Click OK to execute the query and the results will be displayed.

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    Example Query Result for Batch Input type


  1. To search with a saved filter, you must select a previously saved filter. Click the Filter button to open the Search dialog. 

  2. Search and select a saved filter with the Saved filters drop down and the configured filter values will all be loaded in the Search dialog.

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  3. Click OK to execute the query and the results will be displayed.


This panel represents an expression based on the columns in the Data Veracity table. When you execute a query, rows in the Data Veracity table that matches the expression will be displayed. 




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Click this button to apply AND logic on a set of rules or groups.


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Click this button to apply OR logic on a set of rules or groups.

Field name

This drop-down list contains columns in the selected database table that you can use in your query.

The query is carried out based on this selection as a filter rule to populate the result for the Display Field.

Example field names


This is a comparison operator that is applied to the values of the specified column.

The available operators are listed according to the data type of the selected column.

Example operators drop-down


This field contains a value that is used for comparison with the selected column. When between and not between is the selected operator, two value fields are displayed.

When you click this field and the column is of a date type, a date picker will be displayed.


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Click this button to add a new rule to the expression.

Add Group

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Click this button to add a group of rules within the expression. The groups can be nested.

Remove Group

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This button will only appear when a group is added.

Click this button to delete a group. When you delete a group, the rules contained within it will be deleted as well.


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Click this button to delete a rule.

Additional Actions

Apart from searching for Data Veracity records in the Data Veracity tables, you can perform the following actions in the Search & Repair. These actions buttons/menus can be found on the query results table. 


This is only applicable when Input type is UDR. Click on View UDR at the Actions column to inspect a UDR and view the field and values present in the UDR.

titleUnknown Attachment
Example - Viewing a UDR

Delete Records

Delete is an operation for the user to completely remove the Data Veracity record from the Data Veracity database tables without marking the record for deletion.


  1. Click the Export button in the result table menu bar.

  2. In the Export search result dialog, enter the following:

    • Filename - The export filename should contains alphanumeric- or dash (-) characters. Do not add a file extension or a path.

    • Delimiter - You can enter a character or string that should represent the separator token, e.g. a comma or a semi-colon. 

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      Export search result dialog

  3. Select the check box Include Header to add the column names to first row in the file.

  4. Click the OK button. A dialog box containing a link to download the zipped file will be displayed. All the columns of the table that is specified in Display Field will be included in the file.
