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Container Images Hosted in Your Own Container RegistryIf you are hosting the Usage Engine Private Edition container images in your own container registry (see https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UEPE4D/pages/277676052307953677/General+Usage+Engine+Private+Edition+Preparations+4.2#Hosting3#Hosting-Container-Images-in-Your-Own-Container-Registry), then the following helm values are required:
System Database in OracleIf you have opted for placing the system database in Oracle rather than PostgreSQL, it is assumed that the system database has already been created using the system database tool (see https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UEPE4D/pages/277676052307953677/General+Usage+Engine+Private+Edition+Preparations+4.2#System3#System-Database-%5BinlineExtension%5D). Then, when installing the Usage Engine Private Edition helm chart, make sure to set the following helm values:
Additional information on how you can determine the values to set in your particular installation: