Support for using the old RC4 or ARCFOUR ciphers in the SFTP agents have been removed since these ciphers are considered insecure.
Deprecated Agents or Features
When the term deprecated is used for an agent or a feature, this means:
The agent or feature is still available for use in the current version.
You are not encouraged to use the agent or feature long-term.
You need to switch to an alternative soon as the agent and feature will be replaced, sunset, or obsolete in upcoming versions.
Replaced and Sunset Functionality
Functionality that has been replaced with a functional equivalent or sunset from the product is described in the MediationZone 9 Product Catalog here: 12. APPENDIX - Changes from 8.3 Product Catalog
Some Functionality only Available in Legacy Desktop Client
Certain features have not yet made it into the new Desktop and are only available in the Legacy Desktop client. These are described in Legacy Desktop.
Auto Edit Mode in UDR File Editor