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The preparations described below are required to install Usage Engine on Amazon Web Services using Helm charts and Docker images. Read through the steps below and follow each step before installing. This pre-installation is normally not needed to be done again, once you have done it.



ApplicationDownload fromComments
Helm version 3.x
Cert-manager 1.1.0 or later


Note, if you do not want to use cert-manager, there is an option to do the Helm install with the parameter mzOperator.webhook.tls.cert.delegate=internal . Search for documented helm values to understand the implications of this.

aws cli, for configuring your eks cluster with kubeconfig
kubectl, for all administrative tasks with the cluster
Terraform v12, if you want to spin up the new infrastructure and use the example templates in the upcoming sections
eksctl, if you want to spin up the new infrastructure and use the example templates in the upcoming sections

Usage Engine is installed with Derby as the default platform database. Should you want to run your installation on PostgreSQL, you must install the following:

  • AWS RDS with an engine PostgreSQLengine PostgreSQL. or Use your existing database instance with right connection and credentials. That should be able to create the database structure for Usage Engine.

The existing Infrastructure should have the following services before you install Usage Engine.

  • EKS Cluster or Opeshift Cluster
  • Worker Nodes
  • VPC (Public and Private nodes)
  • NAT Gateways
  • Internet Gateways
  • Routing tables 
  • EFS as a persistent storage

    Optional services, in case they are needed:
  • Load Balancers (Application Load Balancers)
  • RDS Instance preferably postgres


  1. Use the aws configure command to setup your AWS credentials.

    Code Block
    $ aws configure
    aws_access_key_id = <access key id>
    aws_secret_access_key = <secret access key>
    output = json
    region = <region where you have your EKS cluster>

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  2. Update kubeconfig context to access your eks cluster.

    Code Block
    $ aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <name_of_your_cluster>
    To set the default cluster, used as the example in this installation:
    $ aws eks update-kubeconfig --name mz-eks


    This step can be omitted if you do not have an existing eks cluster or if you will be using the Openshift Cluster.

    If you do not have an eks cluster installed, you can create one in the Setup - AWS Terraform (2.2).

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  3. verify that your are in right cluster and can list the nodes and other resources

    Code Block
    $ kubectl get node
    $ kubectl get all


    This step can be omitted if you do not have an existing eks cluster or if you will be using the Openshift Cluster.

    If you do not have an eks cluster installed, you can create one in the Setup - AWS Terraform (2.2).

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  4. To verify that the Helm CLI is initialized, run the following command:

    Code Block
    $ helm version -c

    Output example:

    Code Block
    $ helm version -c
    version.BuildInfo{Version:“v3.2.1”, GitCommit:“fe51cd1e31e6a202cba7dead9552a6d418ded79a”, GitTreeState:“clean”, GoVersion:“go1.13.10"}
